M.A. Olympic Studies Intakes at the Olympic Studies Centre

The 5th Intake of the M.A. Olympic Studies undertook their 5th and final on-site module week of the program at the German Sport University Cologne from 2nd – 8th September, 2018. The week commenced with the participants, staff of the GSU’s OSC, and guest lecturer Prof. Keith Gilbert gathering together for an opening social evening held at the residence of Prof. Wassong (Director of the M.A. Olympic Studies). Continuing into the week, the students participated within lectures and group-discussions under the theme of International Relations and the Olympic Movement. Gratitude must be given to Prof. Keith Gilbert, Prof. Jens Flatau, Prof. Stephan Wassong and Dr. Jörg Krieger, who imparted their expertise and delivered engaging lectures. As usual, the sports evening and social gatherings were a ‘big hit’ and were highly appreciated by the participants and lecturers alike.

From 16th – 22nd September, 2018 the 6th Intake of the M.A. Olympic Studies came together at the German Sport University Cologne to undertake their second on-site module week of the M.A. Olympic Studies taught by the partner university lecturers Prof. Ian Culpan and Prof. Jens Flatau as well as the GSU’s OSC staff members Prof. Stephan Wassong and Dr. Jörg Krieger, the week’s lectures were held on the topics of the Historical Foundations of Olympic Sport and its Actors, Elite Sport in Transition, Olympic Athletes and their Coaches, alongside the Research Methodology module, which is divided across all five on-site module weeks. Building on the social environment that had been established back in February/March, 2018, the group swiftly picked up from where they left off and, once more, bonded during the week’s sports evening and social gatherings.