Master Olympic Studies at the International Olympic Academy

The M.A. Olympic Studies in Olympia

The M.A. Olympic Studies held this terms modules of the 3rd and 4th intake at the International Olympic Academy in Olympia, Greece from 20th to 27th September 2015.

The purpose of the trip was to combine the regular teaching with the experience of visiting the ancient site of Olympia, of staying at the International Olympic Academy – which is the international educational and cultural institution of the Olympic Movement – and of giving the students the opportunity to discuss, to share thoughts and opinions among themselves and with the lecturers beyond the limits of the classrooms.

The 3rd intake’s seminars of the 6th module “International Relation and the Olympic Movement” and the 4th intake’s seminars of the 2nd module “Olympic Athletes and Elite Sport in Transition” were taught by Prof. Stephan Wassong, Prof. Wolfgang Decker, Dr. Ansgar Molzberger, Dr. Jörg Krieger and Caroline Meier from the Olympic Studies Centre of the German Sport University. Moreover, Prof. Keith Gilbert from the University of East London, England, delivered lectures on international organisations, their roles and responsibilities while Prof. Ian Culpan from the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand focused on Olympism education and the coach-athlete relations. Prof. Jens Flatau from the University of Kiel provided seminars on the philosophy of science and research methodology. The welcome speech during the official Opening Ceremony in the lecture hall was held by Prof. Kostas Georgiadis, the Honorary Dean of the IOA.

Besides the seminars, which were concluded by final presentations for the 3rd intake and an exam for the 4th intake, the leisure time could be used for visiting the ancient site and the town of Olympia, for common sport activities and for social evenings.

The international atmosphere of the IOA contributed much to a multicultural dynamic, in which the students could learn about the Olympic Movement and Olympism and about each other – the intakes could grow as a group and could make use of the stay for expanding their international networks.