Olympic Day 2018 – Involvement of the Olympic Studies Centre Cologne

The Olympic Day marks the foundation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on 23 June 1894. The IOC annually calls all stakeholders of the Olympic Movement to celebrate the Olympic values on this day. In Germany, the German Olympic Academy (DOA) organises the Olympic Day activities and in 2018 cooperates with the Olympic Studies Centre of the German Sport University Cologne.

Within the framework of the university course “The Olympic Movement: Values, Goals and Institutions”, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong, Head of the Olympic Studies Centre Cologne, will speak about the IOC Athletes’ Commission from a historical and contemporary perspective. The lecture will take place from 12:00 in seminar room 62. In addition, the Head of the Philosophy Department of the Institute of Pedagogy and Philosophy, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volker Schürmann, will give a lecture on the topic “Dignity – Justice – Fairness”. Professor Schürmann´s lecture will begin at 14:15 and takes place in lecture hall 1. Everyone that is interested in the lectures is welcome to join.