Olympism in Action Forum (Part I): Buenos Aires 5th & 6th October 2018

As member of the IOC`s Olympic Education Commission and President of the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong was invited to attend the IOC`s Olympism in Action Forum which was held from 5th to 6th October 2018 in Buenos Aires. Next to working group meeting of the Olympic Education Commission Professor Wassong chaired the assembly of representatives from the National Pierre de Coubertin Committees of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Columbia and the USA. In addition to this he opened the session on book presentations at the end of the forum. The books presented on behalf of the International Pierre de Coubertin and the Pierre de Coubertin Committee of Brazil were authored by J. Durry El Verdadero Pierre de Coubertin and L. DaCosta & A. Miragaya New Cognitive and Virtual Interactions of Sport Sciences and Olympic Studies. The latter one is available as an online source by klicking on www.sportsinbrazil.com.br/livros_sport_tech.htm.