Olympism in Action Forum (Part II): Buenos Aires 5th & 6th October 2018

The IOC`s Olympism in Action Forum took place from 5th to 6th October 2018 in Buenos Aires. Prof. Dr. Norbert Müller and Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong were invited to the forum as members of the IOC`s Commission for Culture and Olympic Heritage and Olympic Education Commission. The forum was also attended by Professor Ian Culpan, who is teaching on the programme, and some graduates and current participants of the M.A. Olympic Studies. Meetings took place on various occasions and dialogues started on the different topics presented at the forum. In addition to this, a group of the M.A. Olympic Studies went to the opening ceremony together and shared some memorable Olympic moments. The presence of the representatives of the study programme and their professional involvement in various aspects of Olympic Sport and the Olympic Movement is strong evidence for the growing reputation of the M.A. Olympic Studies and its acknowledgment by Olympic organizations. It was also great to experience that the M.A. Olympic Studies raised awareness of future participants at the forum and its social events.

Finally a picture was taken in the lobby of the conference centre. From left to right: Mario Reis (Portugal), Laurentino Guterres (Timor Leste), Prof. Norbert Müller (Germany), Damaris Young (Panama), Prof. Stephan Wassong (Germany), Inas Hussein (Egypt), Christine Königsbauer (Germany), Prof. Ian Culpan (New Zealand), Gastao Englert (Brazil). Excused: Gabriel Merlin (Brazil), Mehman Karimov (Azerbaijan) & Nasser Majali (Jordan).