South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation

Since 2014, the Olympic Studies Centre (OSC) of the German Sport University Cologne (GSU) has supported the establishment and development of an OSC at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Within the scope of this collaboration, a special edition of the South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation (Vol 39 (1:2) 2017) was published in August, 2017. Staff members from both OSCs collaborated as guest editors as well as contributing interesting articles. From the OSC of the GSU, these included Rory Flindall and Stephan Wassong’s More Than A Festival: Analysing Opinion-Forming Sports Journalists‘ perceptions Of Olympism And The Olympic Movement and Jörg Krieger’s `We don`t want to be pushed by outsiders`: The International Association of Athletics Federations` attempts to re-admit South Africa to the global athletic stage.


Seit 2014 unterstützt das Olympische Studienzentrum der DSHS den Auf- und Aufbau eines Olympic Studies Centres an der Universität von Johannesburg in Südafrika. Im Rahmen der Kooperation ist eine Sonderausgabe des South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation (Vol 39 (1:2) 2017) erschienen. Mitarbeiter von beiden Olympischen Studienzentren waren als Gastherausgeber verantwortlich und haben interessante Artikel veröffentlicht. Von Seiten des Olympischen Studienzentrums der DSHS waren dies die Artikel von Rory Flindall und Stephan Wassong More Than A Festival: Analysing Opinion-Forming Sports Journalists‘ perceptions Of Olympism And The Olympic Movement und Jörg Krieger `We don`t want to be pushed by outsiders`: The International Association of Athletics Federations` attempts to re-admit South Africa to the global athletic stage.