The Olympic Studies Centre in Japan

The Olympic Studies Center/ Institute of Sport History was represented for the third time at the “Olympic Management Seminar” in the National Sport Academy of the National Institute of Fitness and Sports (NIFS) in Kanoya, Japan.

The programme is interdisciplinary – held in English – and aims at qualifying selected Asian sports students to become internationally oriented experts in the field of Olympic and Paralympic sports. Organised biannually, the third seminar took place from 29.02.-13.03.2016 and its broad curriculum was in line with the topic of a concluding symposium “Olympic Legacy Toward the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo”. It included seminars and lectures on the Olympic Movement, Sport for All, sport management and governance as well as coaching sciences. Besides the teaching of contents by Japanese as well as international lecturers, the organisers want to foster the networking of the international Asian participants and to start a mutual learning process in view of the respective national sport systems.

Caroline Meier travelled to Kanoya as a representative of the Olympic Studies Center/ Institute of Sport History in order to give lectures on the Ancient Olympic Games and Olympic Education. “Teaching at the ‘Olympic Management Seminar’ is always exciting, as the students have diverse professional as well as cultural backgrounds and thus dispose over different knowledge and experiences. Therefore the exchange also beyond the lectures is interesting and valuable.”