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Diagoras: International Academic Journal on Olympic Studies

The Olympic Studies Center (OSC) at the German Sport University Cologne has co-founded the electronic journal Diagoras: International Academic Journal on Olympic Studies with the OSCs of the University of Christchurch's in New Zealand and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). The journal’s publishers are Prof. Stephan...


Japanese – German Business Association

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong was invited by the Japanese – German Business Association to deliver a keynote speech at the traditional Asa no Kai event held at the Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt on 26th October. The specific reason for his invitation was that they desired his Olympic expertise on account of the upcoming...


M.A. Olympic Studies - Ongoing financial support of the IOC

The international part-time study programme M.A. Olympic Studies, which is organized by the Olympic Studies Centre (OSC) of the GSU, has been granted a continuation of its ongoing financial support provided by the IOC for the years 2017 and 2018. In addition to this, the IOC has allocated the M.A. eight Olympic Solidarity...


South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation

Since 2014, the Olympic Studies Centre (OSC) of the German Sport University Cologne (GSU) has supported the establishment and development of an OSC at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Within the scope of this collaboration, a special edition of the South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and...


3rd On-Site Module Week of M.A. Olympic Studies Intake 5

The participants of the 5th Intake of the M.A. Olympic Studies came together for the third time at the Olympic Studies Centre Cologne’s (OSC) partner institution the Autonomous University of Barcelona on 17 – 23 September, 2017. Led by Prof. Emilio Fernández Peña, Director of the OSC at the Autonomous University of Barcelona...


International Olympic Academy

Since 2012, Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong has been invited to give regular lectures at the International Olympic Academy (IOA). This has meant that he has been able to continue the long-standing tradition of professors from the German Sport University Cologne (GSU) lecturing at the IOA. Therewith, Prof. Wassong joins the GSU’s C....


Team of the German Sport University Cologne takes part in Olympia seminar in Olympia/Greece

For the 10th time the sport scientific Olympia seminar of the German Olympic Academy took part from the 02nd - 10th of September 2017 – once again hosted by the International Olympic Acadamy in Olympia/Greece. In the framework of this study trip – which also involved a visit to Athens as well as to ancient competition and...


Symposium “Sport Development and Olympic Studies – Past, Present, Future”

The Olympic Studies Centre of the German Sport University Cologne (GSU) in collaboration with the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies is honored to host the symposium “Sport Development and Olympic Studies – Past, Present, Future” on 10 July 2017. This academic gathering is the latest in a long line of...


Destination Olympia. The Archeological Site and Olympic Studies from the Perspective of the German Sport University Cologne

The German Sport University Cologne is closely linked with the foundation of the International Olympic Academy (IOA) and the development of its profile in teaching and research. The publication “Destination Olympia. The Archeological Site and Olympic Studies from the Perspective of the German Sport University Cologne” (2017)...


12th International Session for Educators of Higher Institutes of Physical Education

From 25 May – 1 June, 2017, the Olympic Studies Centre’s Rory Flindall participated in the 12th International Session for Educators of Higher Institutes of Physical Education at the International Olympic Academy, Greece. Under the topic of “Olympism and Governance”, the Session brought together delegates from across the globe...
