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International Pierre de Coubertin Committee (IPCC) General Assembly

The IPCC General Assembly was held online and attended by a record number of 47 members covering 21 nationalities from 4 continents. Special guest was Mr. Jacques GUHL, a close contemporary witness of Pierre de Coubertin`s life in Lausanne and the founder of the IPCC in 1975. It was a special moment for all participants of the...


M.A. Olympic Studies: 16 Scholarships by the IOC

The IOC, through its Olympic Solidarity Programme, has awarded 16 scholarships for the 8th cohort of the M.A. Olympic Studies international master's degree program, which begins in September 2021. This number is the highest received by the program since its implementation by the Olympic Studies Centre in 2010. Previously,...


Olya Ovtchinnikova on ITA´s fight against doping

As part of the Master's program ‚International Sport Development and Politics‘ at the German Sport University Cologne, Olya Ovtchinnikova, who is a participant of our executive master programme ‚M.A. Olympic Studies‘, was invited as a guest speaker last week.

Sharing her knowledge as ‚Education Manager‘ at the International...


CIPC: First Online Meeting of Teachers from Coubertin Schools

Surely, after 23 years of our work with the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee (CIPC) International Network of Pierre Coubertin Schools, 2020 was one of the most challenging years for all schools. Owing to COVID-19 pandemic, several projects, visits and meetings had to be cancelled or postponed.

In order to “keep the...


Diagoras Olympic Journal Special Edition

We are delighted to announce that the fourth issue of ‘Diagoras: The Academic Journal for Olympic Studies’ was published on 29.10.2020.


M.A. Olympic Studies - Ten Years Looking Back: E-Book available

The book "M.A. Olympic Studies - Ten Years Looking Back" is now available on our website. Under the link "Anniversary Book: TYLB 2020" you can download the e-book as a PDF, in epub format or read it online.


E-Teaching M.A. Olympic Studies´"International Relations and the Olympic Movement"

In the week from the 28.09.2020 to 03.10.2020, the 3rd module of the 7th intake of the M.A. Olympic Studies took place. Unfortunately, there was no chance to meet each other on-site in Cologne due to Covid-19. However, with the right equipment it was possible to make the module also online enjoyable and informative. The topic...


"M.A. Olympic Studies - 10 Years Looking Back" Book Launch

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the M.A. Olympic Studies program, a small celebration took place on 27.10.2020 in accordance with the Covid-19 regulations. Actually, a large celebration was planned for all former graduates and current students of the program. This was transformed into a small circle of the 1st year...


M.A. Olympic Studies - 8th Intake Application Process

8th Intake Application Process

On behalf of the M.A. Olympic Studies programme and all our partners, we are delighted to announce that the application period for the 8th intake is currently ongoing. The new intake is due to commence their studies in September 2021 and we continue to welcome all applications up until the...


Daniel Quanz on Coubertin´s philosophical foundations

OSC´s Daniel Quanz was invited to the "I CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE, OLIMPISMO Y MOVIMIENTO OLÍMPICO - RETOS DEL MOVIMIENTO OLIMPICO Y DEL DEPORTE POST-COVID 19" (1st International Congress on Sports, Olympism and the Olympic Movement - Challenges for the Olympic Movement and Sports after Covid 19", an...
