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International Olympic Academy: Appointment to the Programme Commission

Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong has been appointed by the President of the International Olympic Academy (IOA) in Olympia (Greece) to the newly established program commission. It is the task of the commission to develop new teaching programmes which the IOA offers for doctoral candidates, students, teachers, members of National...


Mourning for Prof. Wolfgang Decker

The Institute for Sport History and Center for Olympic Studies (OSC) mourns the death of Univ.-Prof. (em) Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Decker, who passed away on April 28, 2020 at the age of 78. Until his death, Mr. Decker was still active at the institute and OSC and enriched the learning and research atmosphere. We will always...


Back-to-back M.A. Olympic Studies Module Weeks

From the 29th February to 7th March and 8th to 14th March 2020, two consecutive teaching weeks of the M.A. Olympic Studies were delivered at the German Sport University Cologne (GSU).


Annett Chojnacki - ESport as an Olympic Sport?

Annett Chojnacki-Bennemann, an expert in sports law and head of the central office of the German Disabled Sports Association, was invited by the Institute of Sport History to deliver a guest lecture during the course of the degree programme M.A. Olympic Studies. The lecture was held on 12th March within the 5th on-site module...


Foundation Speech of the Olympic Games donated to the IOC

Prof. Wassong delivers a lecture on its historical significance during IOC ceremony.


Japan Olympic Museum: Keynote lectures by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong

For the occasion of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, the Japan Olympic Museum (JOM) has opened a special exhibition on the life and works of Baron Pierre de Coubertin. The museum itself is new, with its inauguration taking place in September 2019. The co-academic supervision of the Coubertin exhibition fell under the...


2020’s Commission Week of the IOC

During the 2020 Lausanne Winter Youth Olympic Games, held from 9th to 22nd January, the IOC scheduled this year’s meetings of its 21 Commissions. Thus, this meant that the Olympic Capital was crowded with young athletes, coaches, sport officials, volunteers, visitors and commission members. As in the previous years, Prof. Dr....


Dark Sides of Sport (2019)

Dark Sides of Sport is the title of a new publication by the Institute of Sports History and the Olympic Studies Centre. The editors are Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong and Dr. Jörg Krieger, who has taken up his new position as Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Health at Aarhus University (Denmark) in April 2019....


IOC's Olympic Education Commission: Renewed appointment of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Wassong

Appointments to the commissions of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) are decided annually by the IOC President. For 2019, Dr. Bach once again nominated prof. Wassong for the Olympic Education Commission. An important basis for this decision constitutes that of the commission project Database on Olympic Studies, which...


3rd On-Site Module Week of M.A. Olympic Studies Intake 6

In the week from 17.03.2019 to 23.03.2019 the 6th Intake of the Olympic Master had its 3rd on-site module week on the topic of 'Media and Commercialisation of the Olympic Games'. The week took place at the Olympic Studies Centre Cologne’s (OSC) partner institution the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
