Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter Leyk

Head of the Research Group

✆      +49 221 4982-6163

Fax:  +49 221 4982-6790


Head of the Research Group Epidemiology of Performance and Head of the Bundeswehr Institute for Preventive Medicine, Andernach
Medical specialist and qualified sports teacher, former competitive athlete and coach, now enthusiastic recreational athlete
Advanced training/further education of sports physicians (, examiner of the Koblenz and Mainz Medical Associations for the section Sports Medicine
Committee work: e.g. member of the medical-scientific advisory board of the Deutsches Ärzteblatt (responsible for the section Sports Medicine), member of the Austrian Scientific Commission for Sport and National Defence, board member of the Rhineland-Palatinate Association of Sports Physicians (responsible for the section Prevention)
More than 300 scientific publications, reviewer for over 25 internationally renowned journals

Selected publications

Leyk D, Rüther T, Hartmann N, Vits E, Staudt M, Hoffmann MA: Analgesic use in sports—results of a systematic literature review. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2023; 120


Glitz KJ, Bux K, Catrein B, Dietl P, Engelman B, Gebhardt H, Groos S, Kampmann B, Kluth K, Leyk D, Zander P, Klußmann A: Arbeiten unter klimatischen Belastungen (AWMF-S2k-Leitlinie). München: DGAUM 2022


Leyk D, Rüther R: „Schmerzmittelkonsum im Sport und in der Gesellschaft. Ausgewählte Fakten zur öffentlichen Anhörung des Sportausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages am 27.01.2021.


Rüther T, Hartmann N, Sievert A, Schomaker R, Löllgen H, Leyk D: Ergebnisse des bundesweiten Surveys „Bleib-gesund-und-werde-fit“: Befragungen von 30- bis 60jährigen Läufer*innen mit ein- bis zehnjähriger Trainingserfahrung. (Abstract Nr. 193 OP-03-004). Dtsch Z Sportmed 2021; 72(3).

Küper K, Schramm S, Witzki A, Leyk D (2021): Optimierungs- und Anreizmöglichkeiten für Gesundheitsverhalten und individuelle Einsatzfähigkeit. Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift; 65 (11): 431 - 433.


also published as

Küper K, Schramm S, Witzki A, Leyk D (2021): Optimisation and incentive options for health behaviour and individual operational readiness. Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift; 65 (11): e431 - e433.


Rüther T, Hartmann N, Sievert A, Schomaker R, Löllgen H, Leyk D: The ActIv-Project: Self-rated exercise intensity of 86.514 female and male runners aged 18-64 yrs. In: Dela F, Helge JW, Müller E, Tsolakidis E (eds): ECSS Virtual Congress 2021: Book of Abstracts of the 26th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 2021 2021; 227

Leyk D (2021): Problem „Individuelle Einsatzfähigkeit“: Fakten und Optionen. Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift; 65 (3-4): 122–126.


also published as

Leyk D (2021): The problem of “individual operational readiness”: facts and options. Wehrmedizinische Monatsschrift; 65 (3-4): 122–126.


Leyk D, Hoitz J, Becker C, Glitz KJ, Nestler K, Piekarski C: Health risks and interventions in exertional heat stress. Dtsch Arztebl Int 116: 537–44, 2019.


Nestler K, Witzki A, Rohde U, Rüther T, Tofaute KA, Leyk D: Strength training for women as a vehicle for health promotion at work—a systematic literature review. Dtsch Arztebl Int 114: 439–46, 2017.


Leyk D, Witzki A, Gorges W, Rohde U, Rüther T: Even one is too much: Sole presence of one of the risk factors overweight, lack of exercise and smoking reduces physical fitness of young soldiers. J Strength Cond Res 29 Supplement: S199-203, 2015.


Leyk D, Rohde U, Hartmann ND, Preuß PA, Sievert A, Witzki A: Results of a workplace health campaign – what can be achieved? Dtsch Arztebl Int 111: 320-327, 2014.


Leyk D, Rüther T, Witzki A, Sievert A, Moedl A, Blettner M, Hackfort D, Löllgen H: Physical Fitness, Weight, Smoking, and Exercise Patterns in Young Adults. Dtsch Arztebl Int 109: 737–45, 2012.


Leyk D, Witzki A, Sievert A, Rohde U, Moedl A, Rüther T, Löllgen H, Hackfort D: Importance of sports during youth and Exercise barriers in 20-29 year old male non-athletes differently motivated for regular physical activities. J Strength Cond Res 26 Supplement, S15-S22, 2012.


Leyk D, Rüther T, Wunderlich M, Sievert A, Eßfeld D, Witzki A, Erley O, Küchmeister G, Piekarski C, Löllgen H: Physical Performance in Middle Age and Old Age: Good News for Our Sedentary and Aging Society. Dtsch Arztebl Int 107: 809-816, 2010.


Leyk D, Rüther T, Wunderlich M, Sievert A, Essfeld D, Erley O, Gorges W, Ridder D, Piekarski C, Erren TC: Performance, training and lifestyle parameters of marathon runners aged 20 to 80 years: Results of the PACE-Study. Int J Sports Med 30: 360-365, 2009.


Leyk D, Gorges W, Ridder D, Wunderlich M, Rüther T, Sievert A, Essfeld D: Hand-grip forces of young men, women and highly trained female athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol 99: 415-421, 2007.


Leyk D, Rohde U, Gorges W, Ridder D, Wunderlich M, Dinklage C, Sievert A, Rüther T, Essfeld D: Physical performance, body weight and BMI of young adults in Germany 2000 – 2004: Results of the Physical-Fitness-Test Study. Int J Sports Med 8: 642-647, 2006.
