M.A. Olympic Studies
The Advisory Board of the M.A. Olympic Studies oversees the financial, organisational, administrative and academic activities of the Main Operational Management Level at the German Sport University Cologne and of the Partner Institutions.
The chair of the Advisory Board will be elected from among the members of the Board for a term of three years. A representative from each university involved in the programme will be member of the Board. The Executive Director of the programme, who will be on the board as well, is not eligible to be elected as chair of the board. Further members will be invited from the IOC Olympic Studies Centre and/or from other stakeholders such as companies sponsoring the programme.
The university at the Main Operational Management Level is responsible for setting up and running the organisational, administrative and overall academic elements of the programme. In addition to this it will validate the degree, administer the student registration, award the degree and report regularly to the Advisory Board.
The modules will be delivered by the university validating the degree and by the Partner Institutions. The partner universities have full responsibility for organising their modules. This includes the delivery of contents, managing the teaching workload, organisation and administration of course work and assessments. The German Sport University Cologne has the responsibility to evaluate each module.
Currently, university staff members from the following Partner Institutions are participating in the delivery of the M.A. programme:
- The Scottish Centre of Olympic Research and Education (SCORE)
- New Zealand Centre for Olympic Studies, Canterbury University
- Centre d'Estudis Olímpics Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
Support of the IOC:
In June 2012 former IOC President Jacques Rogge invited Prof. Wassong and Prof. Müller for a meeting to discuss the IOC’s support for the M.A. Olympic Studies Programme. Since then, the degree programme has officially the IOC’s patronage and is supported by the IOC. In October 2014, Prof. Wassong and Prof. Müller met with the then newly elected IOC President Thomas Bach, who spoke very generously about the structure and the contents of the degree programme. He confirmed the continuing support of the IOC and Olympic Solidarity. This support was reconfirmed in further meetings, lastly in 2022.
Furthermore, Olympic Solidarity has adopted the programme into its 2021/ 2024 Quadrennial Plan and is financially supporting candidates nominated by their National Olympic Committees.