M.A. Olympic Studies
Max. 30 Persons
Dates & Application Info
The 11th intake will start in 2027. Please visit our page in due time.
11th Intake Application Period
To be confirmed.
Fees (Euro)
5.000,- for 2 years
Master of Arts (M.A.)
The intake of participants is limited to 30 candidates, who will be required to hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, and must have at least two years of work experience in an environment relevant to the interests of the Olympic family, including representatives from the IOC, IFs, NOC, media agencies, elite schools of sport, bidding cities and the TOP-Progamme. It is also necessary to prove sufficient English language skills.
In its nature the M.A. in Olympic Studies is an advanced studies programme. Therefore special requirements have to be met in order to meet the official requirements in terms of credits as well as offer attractiveness for the anticipated target groups. In addition to this the programme organisers have kept in mind that the workload of the study programme is manageable with the occupational requirements of the participants.
Therefore it has been decided to offer a 60 CPs programme which is in accordance with the Bologna regulations. The remaining 60 CPs which are needed to meet the 120 CPs MA requirement can be claimed by accreditation of prior and experiential learning (APEL). APEL is the accreditation of prior experiential learning. By this, award of credit is given for learning based on prior work experience, community or volunteer experience. By converting informal learning into certified learning, APEL provides cost-effective and time-effective routes to further qualification. It has potential significance for people who, through life and work experience, have gained knowledge, skills and analytical abilities which are comparable to those in higher education awards.
The following three admission rules have been developed for the programme:
1. Candidates will be required to hold a 3 years bachelor’s degree or its equivalent. They have to provide evidence (transcript) for the completion of a degree with at least 180 CPs.
2. Candidates have to provide evidence for working experience in an environment relevant to the interests of the Olympic family for at least two years. The working experience is mandatory. Due to the nature of the target groups of the programme all participants have already gained some knowledge and experience in working fields of the Olympic Movement. Occupational responsibilities include academic skills and demonstration of analytical knowledge. Both of these abilities have to be applied in the daily working routine which includes project work, preparation of presentations, holding presentations, writing and drafting articles, working on archival documentation processes, sport related political acting or coaching/teaching students or pupils.
3. Candidates have to show evidence for APEL. The claim for credit via APEL must be done by submitting evidence of their occupational responsibilities and experience. A detailed description of the working field is mandatory as is a testimonial from a recent or former employer. In addition to this candidates have to prove qualifications, experience and skills in four of the following areas:
- Internship at a national/international sport organization: A report on the internship is required. The internship should have had a duration of at least four months.
- Coaching experience: Coaching licences have to be submitted as well as an official document from the institution (club, federation, company, school, sport camp) at which the participant was employed – professionally or voluntarily - as a coach for at least 6 months.
- Voluntary service at a museum, media agency and publishing company: The voluntary service should have lasted at least one year. A testimonial from the organisation at which the voluntary service was accomplished must be submitted.
- Project Work: Participant has to demonstrate his/her involvement in projects. This can be done by submitting project reports and/or testimonials from the project leader. Evidence can refer to one big project (at least 8 months) or smaller projects which lasted 8 months in their sum.
- Editorial Activities: Participant has to prove that he/she has been involved in editorial activities and responsibilities as editor-in-chief or associate editor. 3 samples of work have to be submitted. In case of submitting journals and magazines it is mandatory that their dissemination is on the national level at least and that they have a minimum of 300 subscribers.
- Qualified Teacher Status: Participant has to demonstrate by transcript that he/she has passed teacher training courses of at least one year duration.
- Executive Board member of a national/international sport organization: Participant has to show that he or she has actively been involved in executive board committee work for three years. Information has to be given on the nature of work in the executive committee.
- Consultant activities: Participant has to demonstrate that he/she has worked as a consultant for national or international sport organisations, health agencies, and educational institutions for at least one year.
- Master Studies: Participant has to demonstrate credits earned through other Master programmes.
The application and selection process for the 10th intake has been concluded. For more information on the application for the 11th intake, please refer back to our website in due time.
The fee for the two year study programme is 5.000 €, excluding flights and costs for accommodation. Payments can be made for the full sum or can be split into parts of 2.500 € for each study year. The deadline for making the payment for tthe 10th Intake will be 30th April 2025 for the 1st installment and 30th April 2026 for the 2nd installment.
The Organisation Team will pre-reserve basic accommodation for the participants at the Guest House of the German Sport University Cologne (possibly limited number of rooms available) at a reduced cost. If the module is staged elsewhere than Cologne, accommodation will also be organised, however, costs could be higher than in Cologne.