Welcome to the German Sport University Cologne!

Quality Education and International Research – that’s what the German Sport University Cologne stands for. Germany’s only sport university offers modern bachelor and master programmes as well as teacher training degrees (bachelor).
The University is acknowledged internationally for its research: the Institute of Biochemistry’s renowned testing laboratory has been a part of the international fight against doping, experiments conducted at the Institute of Physiology and Anatomy have soared with the astronauts into space, and the German Research Centre for Elite Sport has brought together the combined efforts of multiple departments to coach and supervise elite athletes.
The 21 research institutes at the German Sport University Cologne – from education and humanities to social sciences and biomedicine – offer a diverse array of teaching and research opportunities to the university’s some 6,000 students from 72 countries. The campus, located directly across from the Müngersdorf Sport Park, provides students and staff alike a first-class environment for learning, working and living.