International Day - Haggis and Fisu
The International Day on the 4th of July offered students of the German Sport University the opportunity of a little world tour. Information on the respective universities were served together with regional specialities, food, drinks whilst engaging in physical activities.
For many participants it was their first time trying Haggis, a Scottish speciality of intestins such as heart, liver, lung but also onions, flower and other tasty bits. For those with a weaker stomach Argentina offered Empanadas as well as the Latin American dance Tango. After dancing participants could either relax and enjoy an English picknick or celebrate Independence Day with the USA.
This could be topped up with Polish sausage, accompanied by Finish Fisu or the vegetarian option - Greek salad. If by this time the sense of balance was not completely lost, a slackline offered a vestibular challange.