"Online Teaching Award" in the summer semester 2020

Due to the extraordinary situation caused by the Corona virus pandemic in the summer semester 2020, the German Sport University Cologne will be awarding teaching prizes for excellence in online teaching this semester (“Online Teaching Award”).

The aim of this prize is for the university to show its appreciation of the intensive work and the high level of commitment of all lecturers who have dealt intensively with online teaching.

The aim of the "Online Teaching Award" from the German Sport University Cologne is to raise awareness of the possibilities and limits of online teaching and, at the same time, to honour innovative teaching-learning concepts in this area, both in practical sports and in the theoretical teaching environment.

In addition to the content-related, methodological and / or technical originality of the submissions, special attention will be paid to submissions in which questions of transfer and the sustainability of the teaching-learning concepts play a significant role. The collaboration and cooperation of lecturers (e.g. in the context of further development or use) will also be taken into account when evaluating submissions. All winning concepts will be published.

The present teaching award is open to all teachers and tutors of the Summer Semester 2020 of the GSU Cologne. We particularly welcome the submission of teaching and learning concepts for different types of events (modules, lectures, seminars, practical courses, tutorials). Nominations are also accepted for courses/lectures/modules / tutorials which have previously won awards.

Nomination and application

Students and teachers may nominate teachers/teaching teams for the Online Teaching Award from 7th to 29th July 2020 (stating the proposed module / course) here. After nomination, individuals or teams can apply for the award with their teaching-learning concepts.

Please use the evaluation criteria below, which should also be used to structure the application. Students can appear as co-applicants within the application (e.g. joint development of a tool). As in previous years, the award winners will be selected by a jury.


The jury can award up to 15 teaching prizes with the value of between €500 and €2000. The prize money must be used for the further development, dissemination and transfer of the winning concepts.

Applicants generally agree to the publication of their concept if deemed relevant.

Evaluation criteria

  1. Relevance and clarity of the problem and objective
  2. Clarity and comprehensibility of the presentation (e.g. the concept, tools, procedure)
  3. Conceptual or methodical-didactic integration of the submitted concept
  4. Explanation of technical solutions (differentiation between third-party services and personal contribution); if necessary, links to electronic material
  5. Clarity of the evaluation and critical reflection of the applicant’s approach
  6. Quality and practicability of a transfer concept (including the transfer potential and connectivity for the work of colleagues, in other modules, other courses and at other universities)

The jury reserves the right to request student assessments – if possible and suitable – relating to the application (e.g. on the perceived practicability, usefulness or suggestion content of tools or processes).


Applications will be accepted until September 30th, 2020. Please send applications to bodemer@­dshs-koeln.de. If you have any questions, please contact Ines Bodemer (bodemer@­dshs-koeln.de) or Jana Preuß (j.preuss@­dshs-koeln.de).