SDG buttons

Please remember that only those CRIS database entries whose relevant text resources are available in English will be considered for the automatic generation of SDGs and their visualisation in the CRIS portal.

For each of the four data types, explore below the relevant English-language text resources in CRIS database entries in which the respective SDG keywords must be located so that this feature automatically links the respective data entry to one or more SDGs. (However, at the present, this function is limited to Persons/Researchers and Publications.)

Data types to which SDGs can be assigned:

Persons / Researchers

Persons / Researchers

English-language text resources of  Person data entries in the CRIS database that are automatically used to generate the SDG buttons if they contain keywords assigned to one or more SDGs:

  • all research information created under “Curriculum and research description” as “Profile information” in English in the fields marked with a British flag;
  • all research information entered under “Keywords” and there in the fields marked with a British flag (under the “Translation” tab).

Remark: You can manually delete automatically generated SDGs from your personal CRIS database entry at any time under “Keywords → Sustainable Development Goals” or, conversely, add automatically non-generated SDGs. When doing so, always observe the DSHS Regulations for ensuring good scientific practice (see above).

Organisations / Research units

Organisations / Research units

English-language text resources that are automatically used to generate SDG buttons in case of CRIS database entries of Research units if they contain keywords that are assigned to one or more SDGs:

  • all relevant research information (see Persons/Researchers) that is created in the CRIS database entries of persons whose owners are assigned to the Research unit in question;
  • all relevant research information (see Publications) contained in Publication CRIS database entries for which the Research unit in question is the affiliation and/or managing organisational unit;
  • all relevant research information (see Projects) contained in Project CRIS database entries for which the Research unit in question is the affiliation and/or managing organisational unit.


English-language text resources of Publication data entries in the CRIS database that are automatically used to generate the SDG buttons if they contain keywords assigned to one or more SDGs:

  • Title,
  • Abstract,
  • Keywords.


  • In addition to the title, ensure that the data entries of your Publications have an abstract and the keywords in English.
  • In the case of German-language publications, provide the title, abstract and keywords in English under the “Translation” tab.


English-language text resources of Project data entries in the CRIS database that are automatically used to generate the SDG buttons if they contain keywords assigned to one or more SDGs:

  • Project title,
  • Project description,
  • all relevant English-language text resources of the following data entries linked to the project in its CRIS database entry:
    • Persons/Researchers who are linked to this project,
    • Publications arising from this project,
    • Projects related to this research project.

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