Exchange semester at GSU
Students who consider a semester abroad often just think about how much fun they will have or about the many different countries and cities they can visit. However, one of the most basic requirements for such an adventure is solid financial planning as a semester abroad can be very expensive. The expenses vary individually and obviously depend on the respective expenditure. Unavoidable costs include flights (transportation), semester fee, health insurance (for non Europeans) and accomodation.
In order to give you a better insight into the life as a student at GSU please have a look at the following list which contains mandatory expenses.
Semester fee:
The GSU doesn´t have tuition fees. However, there is a so called semester fee at GSU which contributes to the cost of the facilities provided by the Studentenwerk (Student services organisation) and the AStA (students’ union). This fee amounts to approximately € 330 per semester and has to be paid before the beginning of each semester.
On-campus accommodation at the GSU will cost you around € 300 - 450 per month, depending on the respective dorm. In comparison to the common costs of a room in the city, this can be considered as very inexpensive and we strongly recommend all incoming exchange students to apply for a dorm room. For more information about accommodation on campus, please click here.
Health insurance:
The costs for a German health insurance varies slightly depending on the company you sign up with, but you can expect an approximate amount of € 120 per month. For more detailed information on that topic, please click here.
All in all, you can expect fixed costs of approximately € 3,200 per semester. This of course does not include food, drink and any social activities. Please note that this calculation doesn´t apply to all students as there are always differences.