Bachelor programme

The German Sport University offers six sport science Bachelor´s Degrees (including P.E.) within the framework of the consecutive education system. The Bachelor´s Degrees are recognised internationally and are completed with a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). Every Bachelor´s Degree comprises of 180 credits with a stipulated minimum study period of six semesters.
How are the Bachelor´s Degrees structured?
The structure and the contents of the six Bachelor´s Degrees are closely intertwined with the professional fields of activity. Prescribed study periods are to be successfully completed during the Bachelor studies (see table below). Although these study periods carry the same designation for every course of Bachelor´s study, they greatly differ in content. Every study period is comprised of several modules. A module is composed of differing teaching courses, which are related thematically or are interrelated. The basic studies offer a practical sporting content and a theoretical introduction to sport science. The key qualification modules comprise study blocks and provide professionally relevant expertise. These overlapping capabilities should ensure that the knowledge gained during the studies can be applied effectively.

Within the framework of the career-oriented studies, specific career-oriented practical expertise is imparted to the student, which can be deepened in the modules for profile consolidation in accordance with individual interests and career aims. The BA students can meaningfully supplement their educational profile in theory and practice during both modules of profile consolidation.
A university education is rounded off by successfully completing at least one career-oriented period of practical training and the preparation and submission of a scientific dissertation (thesis).
For more detailed information on the individual Bachelor´s degrees please follow the links below.