B.A. Sport Management and Sport Communication

The sport branch has been growing at an above-average rate for the past 25 years. Due to medialisation, commercialisation and professionalisation in sport many jobs have been created. However, the demands on people employed in the fields of management and administration have also increased. The B.A. qualifies its graduates for various jobs in the management, planning, organisation and marketing of sport.
Target group
The B.A. Sport Management and Sport Communication is aimed at people who enjoy sport, and are interested in the problems and challenges in the field of sport management and sport communication and the link between sport and economy.
Degree aims and content
The aim of the degree programme is to impart skills and strategies for coping with tasks in the field of sport management and sport communication. The degree content from sport, economics and communication science are not added together and taught separately, the subjects are intertwined. Interdisciplinary aspects and social science are taught. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of sporting goods, sport organisations, sport markets, the demand for sport and the resulting consequences for successful management and focussed communication.
Job perspectives
A Bachelor´s degree is the first qualification which qualifies for direct entry into the job market. The B.A. Sport Management and Sport Communication provides graduates with qualifications for many jobs in the field of management of sports clubs and federations, commercial providers and sport events. Other potential fields of work include marketing and sales of sporting goods, PR and event agencies. The successful completion of the B.A. Sport Management and Sport Communication entitles graduates to apply for a master’s course of study, which in turn, can expand on or complement previous knowledge, depending on the programme.