Master programme

With its consecutive degree system the German Sport University offers ten Master´s degree courses (including P.E.). These degrees are internationally recognized and on completion students are awarded either a Master of Arts (M.A.), a Master of Science (M.Sc.) or a Master of Education (M.Ed.). Each Master comprises 120 credit points and is usually completed in 4 semesters.
Course starting dates and university places
Degree courses always start in the winter semester. For every Master´s degree course there are 30 places available per year. The good teacher-student ratio guarantees an intensive and personal exchange during the course.
How are the Master´s degrees structured
Depending on the students’ individual focus the Master´s degree courses either have a practical or a research slant. Modules have to be completed as part of a Master´s degree and these are either compulsory or elective courses. Each module covers various taught courses which are thematically linked (lectures, seminars, tutorials etc.) and are distributed within the four semesters. The ten Master´s degrees on offer are taught on the basis of four process levels:

Who can apply for a Master´s course?
The successful completion of a first degree (normally a B.A. or B.Sc.) is the prerequisite for entry to a Master´s degree course. This and other entry requirements for the Master´s degree courses are laid down in the relevant regulations (entry regulations). The regulations also list which documents are necessary for an application for a place in a Master´s degree course.
Please note even for the German Master´s degrees English language proficiency (working with publications, scientific papers, studies etc.) is required.

M.Sc. Sport and Movement Gerontology (no new enrolment)
M.Sc. Sport Tourism and Destination Management (GERMAN)
M.A. Sport, Media and Communication Research (GERMAN)
M.Sc. Sport Management (ENGLISH)
M.Sc. Performance, Training and Coaching in Elite Sport (GERMAN)
M.Sc. Human Technology in Sports and Medicine (ENGLISH)
M.A. Rehabilitation, Prevention and Health Management (GERMAN)
M.Sc. Psychology in Sport and Exercise (ENGLISH)
M.A. International Sport Development and Politics (ENGLISH)