Study overseas
+++Costa Rica & São Paulo - free places in WS25/26+++
There is a short-term opportunity to apply for a place at the partner university in Costa Rica and São Paulo (you can apply for one university).
The application procedure is identical to the regular procedure, application deadline is 17.03.2025.
Please send your application to
The German Sport University (GSU) offers its students academic exchange and facilitates the cross-accreditation with its partner universities. Worldwide, the GSU partners with 60 universities. These include close to 20 overseas - a list of these can be found in the right column.
Due to deadlines it is vital to engage in early planning and communication regarding the exchange.
The following points should be taken into consideration:
- What do I want to study and does the partner university offer suitable modules?
- Am I qualified culturally, academically and in terms of language skills?
- In how far am I informed about the country, university and culture?
- Have I informed myself about funding opportunities and scholarships?
The application must be complete and submitted in accordance with the deadlines of the International Office. Late submissions will not be considered.
WS 2025/2026 Application deadline: 02.12.2024
SS 2026 ---- Application deadline: 02.06.2025
E-mail addresses of the coordinators:
- Evelyn Hinz:
- Anke Neumann (Middle-/Southamerica):
- Dr. Gerard King (China):
Please note:
Current information on applications:
- An application for an exchange at the following universities is only possible for Bafög-receivers and other self-paying students until further notice: Victoria University, Deakin University, Edith Cowan University, University of the Sunshine Coast, University of Tasmania, Griffith University, Auckland University of Technology, University of Canterbury and University of Western Ontario
A complete application consists of 5 documents, sent as one PDF document in the following order by E-mail to the respective coordinator:
- Completed application form
- The signed (europass-) CV in the respective language which can be accessed here
Please fill it out with your personal data and add a photograph.
- Signed Letter of motivation in the respective language
The letter of motivation should contain personal and academic ambitions, study interests and any other motivation for the application. It can also include intercultural and personal skills and qualifications and make apparent why the country and university has been selected and is suitable for an academic exchange. The letter of motivation should not exceed two DIN A4 pages.
- Language acquisition
The Language acquisition should list information from primary school level through secondary to university level. Additionally, exchange activities, language courses, studies of foreign languages etc.
- Copy of the current transcript of records
The transcript of records can be obtained via the examination office or LSF.
Please note:
- Each applicant may apply for ONE overseas university only!!
- The application must be submitted by E-mail (no hard copy)!
- All documents of the application have to be separate documents (i.e. don't include your motivation in your CV)
Language skills
Applicants must be fluent either in the respective language of the country of choice or the language of instruction. They should be able to follow academic seminars and lectures and hold conversations.
However, language acquisition should not be the main motivation behind the exchange, since the mobility has the prime aim to further the students academically and not in terms of their language proficiency.
Succesfull overseas applicants receive a study place at the partner university and receive a scholarship covering the tuition fees. All other expenses such as travel, accomodation, food etc. must be covered by the students themselves - there is NO monthly contribution in contrast to the ERASMUS+ program.
Students studying at a partner university may apply for a leave of absence at GSU and thus be exempted from semester fees at GSU.
- Is a cross-accreditation possible?
Academic modules, courses and activity classes can be accredited as long as they are accepted by the module- and course coordinators of GSU. This must be negotiated prior to the exchange. During an exchange semester at least 20 ECTS or equivalent must be succesfully completed to receive a scholarship. Following the exchange the host university issues a transcript of records, which can be transferred and accredited at GSU. - Can I apply for several mobility actions at the same time?
Yes, an applicant can apply for overseas and European exchange options at the same time. - Is there an ideal time for an exchange?
It is recommended to discuss the exchange period with the respective program leader at GSU. The basic studies (first year) should be succesfully completed before the exchange. - What funding possibilities are open to me?
Overseas scholarships (waiving of the tuition fees)
DAAD scholarships (travel grant)
Some exchange destinations require proof of sufficient financial means.

Consultation hours:
Mon-Fri 9:00-11:00
Mon, Wed, Thu 14:00-15:00
Additional individual appointments on site are possible, but must be prearranged via phone or email.