Studying under special circumstances

The German Sport University makes it an important point to facilitate studying for persons with special needs and conditions. In this vein students with a disability, top-level athletes and students with kids are provided with support and consideration for their specific situation. The respective students have the possibility of addressing a representative exclusively dealing with their challenges.
The GSU actively supports students with a disability in their studies, tries to ensure that they are not discriminated against and that they can participate in the university courses with as little help from others as possible. However, before students with disabilities can start studying at university, they have to be formally admitted. In addition to a university entrance certificate, students with disabilities also have to pass the Physical Aptitude Test in order to be admitted to the university. Disabled and chronically ill applicants go through a special procedure in the test. Before they start their sports degree, there should be an analysis of whether or not a very practically orientated degree course and their prospective professional field are compatible with their disability. In case of any questions regarding this matter please contact one of our two representatives for students with disabilities at the GSU who can assist in such matters:
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Abel
Tel.: +49 221 4982-7510

To achieve top-level sporting performances athletes have to invest a lot of time in their training and competitions. After completing their schooling, top-level athletes have to start laying a foundation for their later careers. Studying as a top-level athlete is a challenge. In consequence, the GSU has set up a cooperation contract with the General German University Sport Federation (adh) and the Olympic Support Centre (OSP) Cologne-Bonn-Leverkusen so that studying and top-level training is possible. As a “partner university of top-level sport” the GSU allows its top-level student-athletes who are part of national or federal squads (A/B/C or D squads) more flexibility in their studies and compensation in the case of absence. Their timetables are adapted to the demands of their training sessions and competition periods. In addition, exam dates can be changed to fit in better with their sport. As with students with disabilities, there is also a special representative for top-level athletes, whom you can contact under:
- Dr. Jonas Rohleder
Tel.: +49 221 4982-4160 - Dominik Meffert
Tel.: +49 221 4982-7443

Studying with a child or children is particularly demanding for a student. The GSU supports students who are parents by offering them advice and various services. The Family Service Office not only advises students about financial assistance for families and childcare service but also coordinates family friendly working and study conditions. Parents who are studying can exchange information on the forum “Studying with Children” in the“SpoHo. Net”. The Student’s Union (AStA) has a section called “SocialMatters” which gives advice. The day care “Gummibären” provides childcare for students’ children very close to the GSU. Since November 2010 the GSU bears the official seal “Family-oriented University” awarded by the auditors “Job and Family”. This certifies that the university does its best to ensure that studying with a family is made as easy as possible. In case of any questions you may have regarding this topic you can contact the GSU Family Service Office under:
- Family Service Office
Tel.: +49 221 4982-7251

The German Sport University offers the status of guest student particularly to senior citizens who are interested in broadening their knowledge in sport sciences.
For 100 Euro per semester applicants will receive a matriculation number and a guest student ID.
Guest students are not eligible to take part in seminars, activity classes or examinations. Only open lecturs may be visited and a in some cases activity classes, for which an physical aptitude certificate must be provided.
Additionaly all applicants must either be proficient in German or English language.
Deadlines for application: 1st of April and 1st of October.
- International Office
Tel.: +49 221 4982-2180