2nd Summer School Diversity
In September 2023, the 2nd Summer School on Diversity will take place at the German Sport University Cologne. The title of the event is: Diversity - Diversity Dimensions and Diversity Concepts. The Summer School is aimed at students, doctoral candidates as well as post-docs. It is also intended for lecturers and teachers who want to learn more about the topic, as well as for experts who are interested in developing or revising diversity concepts.
In the plenary session, scientists from the German Sport University Cologne will introduce the central diversity dimensions with presentations. In smaller interest-led groups, scientific foundations will be laid on the topic, in-depth workshops on various diversity dimensions will be offered, diversity concepts of the German Sport University will be discussed, and practical modules for teaching will be developed. In addition, an evening program will provide space for sporting events, evening lectures and socializing.
A hybrid symposium on Sept. 29, 2023, will round out the program. The conference is aimed at students, doctoral students and post-docs in an early phase after their doctorate as well as lecturers, teachers, trainee teachers and teachers already working in schools. There will be the possibility to participate in the conference analogue or digitally or to attend only single lectures.
As last year, the participation fees will be free of charge.
For international or long-distance guests, there will be the offer of low-cost or even free accommodation in the guest house at the Hockey Judo Center. The stay will cover the whole period of the Summer School.
More information can be found on the homepage (in German).