
In the following, you will find explanations of the most important tabs, which should enable you to optimally present your research profile and your research achievements in the CRIS portal.

Important settings in personal data entries

Portal profile

Portal profile

Under the tab “Portal profile”, you can define how or with the help of which features and tools the content of your research information should be displayed in your personal Researcher entry in the CRIS portal:

  • Collaboration map: The global network map tool is one of the network features of the CRIS portal. Here you can turn its display on and off in your personal Researcher entry in the CRIS portal. If you have turned on the network map, it shows the international networking of your research over the last five years in the CRIS portal under “Network → Network map” and thus enables you to visualise it. By clicking on the circular fields or selecting a country or state/province (USA/Canada), CRIS portal users can research your international research activities (e.g. publications and projects) and collaborations. In order for the network map to accurately reflect the international networking of your research, it is very important, especially in the case of your international publications, projects, prizes, activities, etc., that you make sure that your partners are always correctly linked to their international Research unit or organisation (affiliation) under “Authors” or “Persons and organisational affiliations” in the respective database mask. Please note here the instructions under “General information → Affiliations of external Researchers” on the starting page of the CRIS-Helpdesk.
  • Show affiliations: By default, all affiliations of the internal Research units to which you currently belong are displayed here. All your active Research units are also ticked here by default. This ensures that your affiliations are displayed in the header of your personal Researcher entry in the CRIS portal. Please therefore check that the ticks are set correctly.
  • Show metrics: Here you are able to select the metrics that, if they are available, for example, for your respective publications, will be displayed in your Researchers’ entry or, for example, in your Publications’ entries in the CRIS portal. By default, all available metrics configured by the DSHS administrators are displayed. If you do not select the corresponding metrics, they will still be displayed on other pages, e.g. in the Researchers’ entries of your co-authors.
  • Contact experts: If you activate this function, a contact button will be displayed in your Researchers’ entry in the CRIS portal, which visitors to the portal can use to contact you directly via your official e-mail address.
Associated user

Associated user

This tab indicates which user account for the CRIS database your personal data entry is linked to in the CRIS database and which roles and rights are assigned to your user account in the database.



Under the “Translation” tab you will find a list of all the data you have entered under “Metadata → Keywords”; once in German and once in English. We strongly recommend that you provide all types of keywords you have entered in both German and English. Only if you enter all keywords in English is it guaranteed that their contents will be considered in the automatic generation of your personal fingerprints.



Under the tab “Relations” you can check which data entries in the CRIS database are linked to your personal data entry there. This applies to all data types in the database in which your person is recorded.



Under the “Fingerprints” tab, you can check and control the content composition of your so-called “Fingerprints” and also switch off this function if you wish. Fingerprints is a tool that uses a thesaurus to automatically generate both research fields/key concepts and associated keywords from the research information you have made available in English in the CRIS database.

You will be shown here the individual research fields/key concepts to which your research profile is assigned; and for each research field/key concept, the keywords assigned to you. You can now switch the display of each automatically generated research field/key concept and the associated keywords on or off individually. These will then be displayed or hidden accordingly in your Researchers’ entry in the CRIS portal. You also have the option of deactivating or reactivating individual keywords by clicking on them. These will then also be either hidden or displayed again in your Researchers’ entry in the CRIS portal.

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