Gesture and Nonverbal Interaction Research Methodology

The seminar responds to the demand for a methodological training tailored for gesture and nonverbal interaction research. Given two recent surveys on methodological knowledge in gesture and nonverbal interaction researchers, it addresses recurrent methodological questions in the field. Important topics such as study design and experimental setting, consent forms, observer training, pseudo-randomized coding schedules, reliability assessment, registration of body movement laterality, methods of interaction analysis for the detection of mirroring and turn-taking, and subject appropriate measures and statistical methods are dealt with. The seminar suggests interdisciplinary basic methodology for gesture and nonverbal interaction research that suits the specific requirements of the analysis of gesture and body movement as visible temporo-spatial phenomena. 


Lecturers: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hedda Lausberg, Ippokratis Konstantinidis (B.A.), Katharina

Reinecke (M.A.)


Dates & Venue: May 23 – 25, 2018

German Sport University Cologne

Department of Neurology, Psychosomatic Medicine, and Psychiatry

Am Sportpark Muengersdorf 6

D-50933 Koeln, Germany


Registration deadline: April 30, 2018


Contact: c.klabunde@­



The number of participants is limited to 12.