Annual banned-substance review - doping analysis

Annual banned substance review 2023/2024
28th Dezember 2024
New publication
Thevis M, Kuuranne T, Geyer H. Annual Banned-Substance Review 17th Edition-Analytical Approaches in Human Sports Drug Testing 2023/2024. Drug Test Anal. 2024 Dec 28. doi: 10.1002/dta.3835. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39731401.
The 17th edition of the annual banned-substance review on analytical approaches in human sports drug testing is dedicated to literature published between October 2023 and September 2024. As in previous years, focus is put particularly on new or enhanced analytical options in human doping controls as well as investigations into the metabolism and elimination of compounds of interest, which represent central (while not exclusive) cornerstones of the global anti-doping mission. New information published within the past 12 months on established doping agents as well as new potentially relevant substances are reviewed and discussed in the context of the World Anti-Doping Agency's 2024 Prohibited List. Thereby, analytical challenges, especially with regard to the continuously growing number of target compounds and potentially relevant drug classes as well as the exigency (and consequences) of utmost analytical retrospectivity, are thematized and contextualized. Investigations especially into anabolic agents, peptide hormones, and strategies for the detection of gene doping were identified as core areas of anti-doping research in the reviewed period.
Annual banned-substance review 2022/2023
20th November 2023
New publication
Thevis M, Kuuranne T, Geyer H. Annual banned-substance review 16th edition-Analytical approaches in human sports drug testing 2022/2023. Drug Test Anal. 2023 Nov 20. doi: 10.1002/dta.3602.
In this 16th edition of the annual banned-substance review on analytical approaches in human sports drug testing, literature on recent developments in this particular section of global anti-doping efforts that was published between October 2022 and September 2023 is summarized and discussed. Most recent additions to the continuously growing portfolio of doping control analytical approaches and investigations into analytical challenges in the context of adverse analytical findings are presented, taking into account existing as well as emerging challenges in anti-doping, with specific focus on substances and methods of doping recognized in the World Anti-Doping Agency's 2023 Prohibited List. As in previous years, focus is put particularly on new or enhanced analytical options in human doping controls, appreciating the exigence and core mission of anti-doping and, equally, the conflict arising from the opposingly trending extent of the athlete's exposome and the sensitivity of instruments nowadays commonly available in anti-doping laboratories.
Annual banned-substance review 2021/2022
11th November 2022
Thevis M, Kuuranne T, Geyer H. Annual banned-substance review - Analytical approaches in human sports drug testing 2021/2022 . Drug Test Anal. 2022;1‐22. doi:10.1002/dta.3408
Also in 2021/2022, considerable efforts were invested into advancing human sports drug testing programs, recognizing and taking into account existing as well as emerging challenges in anti-doping, especially with regard to substances and methods of doping specified in the World Anti-Doping Agency's 2022 Prohibited List. In this edition of the annual banned-substance review, literature on recent developments published between October 2021 and September 2022 is summarized and discussed.
Focus is put particularly on enhanced analytical approaches and complementary testing options in human doping controls, appreciating the exigence and mission in anti-doping and, equally, the contemporary “new normal” considering, for example, the athlete's exposome versus analytical sensitivity and applicable anti-doping regulations for result interpretation and management.