Damaris Young becomes IOC member

We are proud to congratulate our alumna Damaris Young Aranda (PAN) for being elected a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) at the IOC´s 142nd Session in Paris.

Damaris was elected in connection with her role as the President of the National Olympic Committee of Panama. She graduated from the international study porgramme M.A. Olympic Studies (https://www.dshs-koeln.de/studium/studienangebot/weiterbildungsmaster/ma-olympic-studies/) with distinction in 2022. She had been awarded a scholarship by Olympic Solidarity in order to participate within the programme. After her graduation, Damaris also taught on the programme as a guest lecturer on the topic of her master‘s thesis with the title The Sport Governance of Panamanian Sport Organizations: An Analysis from the Perspective of Compliance with the Basic Universal Pronviples of Good Governance for Olympic and Sport Organizations of the IOC. The team of the M.A. Olympic Studies at the Olympic Studies Centre of the German Sport University Cologne and at our partner universities congratulate Damaris. We are sure she will make a very positive contribution to the future of the IOC and the Olympic Movement.