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Eckardt, V., & Dorsch, T. E. (2022). „Man spielt eigentlich keine Rolle mehr“: Über den Einbezug von Eltern in die Trainer:innen-Tätigkeit im Nachwuchsfußball – eine Grounded Theory. in C. Voelcker-Rehage, N. H. Pixa, & J. Rudisch (Hrsg.), Ein Gehirn, viel Bewegung - Variabilität und Plastizität über die Lebensspanne: Abstractband zur 54. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp) 16-18. Juni 2022 in Münster (S. 46-47). Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.ünster.pdf
Eckardt, V., Dorsch, T. E., & Lobinger, B. (2022). Parents’ competitive stressors in professional German youth soccer academies: A mixed-method study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 58, [102089].
Eckardt, V., Tamminen, K., & Laborde, S. (2022). Dyadic Coping in sport – a scoping review. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Frenkel, M. O., Pollak, K., Schilling, O., Voigt, L., Fritzsching, B., Wrzus, C., Egger-Lampl, S., Merle, U., Weigand, M. A., & Mohr, S. (2022). Health care professionals facing the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Stressors and coping mechanisms. PloS one, 17(1), [e0261502].
Frenkel, M. O., Voigt, L., & Hill, Y. (2022). Einfluss von Stress auf motorisches Verhalten und Leistung. in S. Klatt, & B. Strauß (Hrsg.), Kognition und Motorik: Sportpsychologische Grundlagen und Anwendungen im Sport (1 Aufl., Band 10, S. 180-194). Hogrefe Verlag.
Frenkel, M. O., Voigt, L., Staller, M. S., & Plessner, H. (2022). Shooting performance of paintball players under stress. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Friedrich, J. C., Voigt, L., & Raab, M. (2022). The cognitive penetrability of representational momentum effects by unrelated factors. in Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), 2022
Giessing, L., & Frenkel, M. O. (2022). Übung oder Ernst? Von Stressinduktion im Polizeitraining zu Stressbewältigung im Einsatz. in M. Staller, & S. Körner (Hrsg.), Handbuch polizeiliches Einsatztraining: Professionelles Konfliktmanagement - Theorie, Trainingskonzepte und Praxiserfahrungen (S. 653-676). Springer Fachmedien . 658 34158 9_35
Giessing, L., & Frenkel, M. O. (2022). Virtuelle Realität als vielversprechende Ergänzung im polizeilichen Einsatztraining – Chancen, Grenzen und Implementationsmöglichkeiten. in M. Staller, & S. Körner (Hrsg.), Handbuch polizeiliches Einsatztraining: Professionelles Konfliktmanagement - Theorie, Trainingskonzepte und Praxiserfahrungen (S. 677-692). Springer Fachmedien .
Hardiman, A. L., Atkinson, O., Eckardt, V., & Fleming, D. J. M. (2022). Understanding the Interdependent Nature of Persons and Contexts in Youth sport: Implications for Future Research, Design, and Delivery in Youth Sport. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 44(Supplement), S8.
Heisler, S. (2022). Mehr als die Summe seiner Teile. Tischtennis, (2), 38-39.
Heisler, S., Musculus, L., Siebler, M., & Lobinger, B. (2022). Perzeptuell-kognitive Prozesse von Nachwuchsfußballern unter Beobachtung: eine Trainerperspektive. in Abstractband 54. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp 2022)
Hoffmann, S., Jendreizik, L., Ettinger, U., & Laborde, S. (2022). Keep the pace: The synchronization of response monitoring and cardiac vagal activity. - Poster. in 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Québec City, Canada
Huesmann, K., & Loffing, F. (2022). Perception-action coupling in research on anticipation in sport: A review and taxonomy. in W. Manfred, & J. Jonas (Hrsg.), Sport, Mehr & Meer - Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung: 25. dvs-Hochschultag Kiel / virtuell, 29.-31. März 2022 : Abstracts (Band 298, S. 434). (Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft; Band 298). Feldhaus, Edition Czwalina.
Huesmann, K., Loffing, F., Büsch, D., Schorer, J., & Hagemann, N. (2022). Varying degrees of perception-action coupling and anticipation in handball goalkeeping. Journal of motor behavior, 54(4), 391-400.
Huesmann, K., Witt, J., Schorer, J., & Loffing, F. (2022). Antizipation von Rückraumwürfen im Handball: Semi-strukturierte Interviews mit Spitzentrainer:innen und Torhüter:innen. in C. Voelcker-Rehage, N. H. Pixa, & J. Rudisch (Hrsg.), Ein Gehirn, viel Bewegung – Variabilität und Plastizität über die Lebensspanne: Abstractband zur 54. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp) 16-18. Juni 2022 in Münster (S. 60-61). Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
Iskra, M., Zammit, N., & Laborde, S. (2022). Influence of breathing techniques on psychological aspects of sport performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Iskra, M., Zammit, N., & Laborde, S. (2022). Slow-paced breathing: investigating the influence of inhalation/exhalation ratio and of respiratory pauses. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Iskra, M., Zammit, N., & Laborde, S. (2022). The power of breath manipulation: Can breathing techniques affect psychological aspects of sport performance? A systematic review and meta-analysis. in North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) Conference 2022
Ittlinger, S., Raab, M., Link, D., & Lang, S. (2022). Big Data trifft auf Sportpsychologie - ein Projektbericht über Daten und Experimente zu sequenziellen Entscheidungen im Beachvolleyball. in Antizipation und Entscheidungsfindung im Sport
Kalén, A., Bisagno, E., Musculus, L., Raab, M., Pérez-Ferreirós, A., Williams, A. M., Araújo, D., Lindwall, M., & Ivarsson, A. (2022). The role of cognition in the development of sport expertise: A review and meta-analysis. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Knobel, S., Musculus, L., Schrader, R., Borchert, A., Gatzmaga, N., Elbe, A-M., & Lautenbach, F. (2022). Diagnosing executive functions under a soccer-specific psychophysiological stress condition. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
KOROBEYNIKOV, GEORGIY., BAIĆ, MARIO., POTOP, VLADIMIR., KOROBEINIKOVA, LESIA., Raab, M., STARČEVIĆ, NIKOLA., KOROBEINIKOVA, IVANNA., CHERNOZUB, ANDRIY., ROMANCHUK, SERHII., & DANKO, TARAS. (2022). Comparative analysis of psychophysiological states among Croatian and Ukrainian wrestling. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES), 22(8), 1832 1838. [230].
KOROBEYNIKOV, GEORGIY., KOROBEINIKOVA, LESIA., Raab, M., & KOROBEINIKOVA, IVANNA. (2022). Psychophysiological states in persons with different levels of physical activity. in Book of Abstracts: World Scientific Congress “Quality of Life in Interdisciplinary Approach”
KOROBEYNIKOV, GEORGIY., KOROBEINIKOVA, LESIA., Raab, M., KOROBEINIKOVA, IVANNA., DANKO, TARAS., Kokhanevich, A., Cynarski, W. J., & Mytskan, T. (2022). Psychophysiological state and decision making in wrestlers. IDO MOVEMENT FOR CULTURE. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 2022(5), 1-9.
Laborde, S., Allen, M. S., Borges, U., Dosseville, F., Hosang, T., Iskra, M., Mosley, E., Salvotti, C., Spolverato, L., Zammit, N., & Javelle, F. (2022). Effects of voluntary slow breathing on heart rate and heart rate variability: A systematic review and a meta-analysis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 138, [104711].
Laborde, S., Allen, M., Borges, U., Iskra, M., Zammit, N., You, M., Hosang, T., Mosley, E., & Dosseville, F. (2022). Psychophysiological effects of slow-paced breathing at six cycles per minute with or without heart rate variability biofeedback. Psychophysiology, 59(1), 1-14. [e13952].
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Laborde, S., Iskra, M., & Zammit, N. (2022). Effects of slow-paced breathing realized with or without heart rate variability biofeedback on emotion regulation. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Leis, O., Pedraza Ramirez, I. A., Demirsöz, G., Watson, M., Laborde, S., Elbel, A-M., & Lautenbach, F. (2022). Psychophysiological Stress in Esports Settings: Training vs. Competition. in 16th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology
Levillain, G., Martninent, G., Laborde, S., Vacher, P., Saby, Y., & Nicolas, M. (2022). Development of emotional competencies for tennis players: Why does an online individualized psychological support matter? in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Loffing, F. (2022). Raw Data Visualization for Common Factorial Designs Using SPSS: A Syntax Collection and Tutorial. Frontiers in psychology, 13(13), 808469. [808469].
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Lüders, T., Schorer, J., & Loffing, F. (2022). Handlungspräferenz und Blockposition als Kontextinformationen bei der Abwehr von Volleyballangriffen. in W. Manfred, & J. Jonas (Hrsg.), Sport, Mehr & Meer - Sportwissenschaft in gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung: 25. dvs-Hochschultag Kiel / virtuell, 29.-31. März 2022 : Abstracts (Band 298, S. 155). (Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft; Band 298). Feldhaus, Edition Czwalina.
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Michirev, A., Raab, M., Fischer, M. H., Kühne, K., & Lindemann, O. (2022). The Connection of Force and Number Magnitude is Measured in the Hand. in The Connection of Force and Number Magnitude is Measured in the Hand Michirev, A., Musculus, L., & Raab, M. (2022). Theoretical Position on Embodied Bounded Rationality: The Body Is an Informant for Choices. in Theoretical Position on Embodied Bounded Rationality: The Body Is an Informant for Choices.
Mosley, E., & Laborde, S. (2022). A scoping review of heart rate variability in sport and exercise psychology. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
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Musculus, L. (2022). Nurturing developmental sport psychology: Symposium. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Musculus, L., Azzurra, R., & Raab, M. (2022). Embodied Planning: On the Development of Motor and Cognitive Planning. in 15th World congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology
Musculus, L., Azzurra, R., & Raab, M. (2022). L’Embodied Planning e il suo sviluppo tra mente e corpo: Risultati da una serie di studi sperimen-tali sull’arrampicata. in XXXIII Congresso Nazionale AIP della Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione
Musculus, L., Juppen, L., Azzurra, R., & Raab, M. (2022). Understanding the development of embodied planning: agespecific changes and training effects. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Musculus, L., Lautenbach, F., Knöbel, S., Reinhard, M. L., Holst, T., Poimann, D., & Pelka, M. (2022). Kognitionspsychologie im Fußball - Ein Anstoß für die Integration von Forschung und Praxis der Sportpsychologie. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 2022.
Musculus, L., Lautenbach, F., Knöbel, S., Reinhard, M. L., Weigel, P., Gatzmaga, N., Borchert, A., & Pelka, M. (2022). An Assist for Cognitive Diagnostics in Soccer: Two Valid Tasks Measuring Inhibition and Cognitive Flexibility in a SoccerSpecific Setting With a Soccer-Specific Motor Response. Frontiers in psychology, 13, [867849]. 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.867849
Musculus, L., & Raab, M. (2022). A Developmental Perspective on Motor-Cognitive Interactions and Performance in Sports. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 61, [102202].
Pizzera, A., Laborde, S., Lahey, J., & Wahl, P. (2022). Influence of physical and psychological stress on decision-making performance of soccer referees. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2022.
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Pizzera, A., Marrable, J. W., & Raab, M. (2022). The video review system in association football: Implementation and effectiveness for match officials and referee education. Managing Sport and Leisure.
Pizzera, A., Plessner, H., Raab, M., & Laborde, S. (2022). Pensando con el cuerpo: el papel de la cognición encarnada en el arbitraje deportivo. in A. S. Almeida Aguiar, F. Arbinaga Ibarzábal, & M. Á. Betancor León (Hrsg.), Arbitraje y juicio deportivo: Un análisis desde la pedagogía y la psicología (S. 207). Octaedro.
Pizzera, A., & Schweizer, G. (2022). Motor performance and visual perception: Two replication studies. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Raab, M., & Raab, M. (2022). Kognition und Motorik: Zusammenspiel von wahrnehmungsbezogenen und motorischen Prozessen. in S. Klatt, & B. Strauß (Hrsg.), Kognition und Motorik: Sportpsychologische Grundlagen und Anwendung im Sport (1 Aufl., Band 10, S. 88-102). (Sportpsychologie; Band 10). Hogrefe Verlag.
Schmaußer, M., Hoffmann, S., Raab, M., & Laborde, S. (2022). The effects of noninvasive brain stimulation on heart rate and heart rate variability: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Research.
Schroeger, A., Grießbach, E., Raab, M., & Canal-Bruland, R. (2022). Spatial distances affect temporal prediction and interception. Nature Scientific Reports.
Schroeger, A., Raab, M., & Canal-Bruland, R. (2022). Tau and kappa in interception: how perceptual spatiotemporal interrelations affect movements. Attention perception & psychophysics, 84, 1925 1943.
Sévoz-Couche, C., & Laborde, S. (2022). Heart rate variability and slow-paced breathing: when coherence meets resonance. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 135, [104576].
Sparascio, S., Voigt, L., Musculus, L., & Raab, M. (2022). Theoretically, it's all about joy! - Does joy mediate or moderate the positive effect of physical exercise on executive functions? in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Voigt, L. (2022). How individuals perform and grow under stress. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Voigt, L., Friedrich, J. C., Grove, P., Heinrich, N. W., Ittlinger, S., Iskra, M., Koop, L., Michirev, A., Sparascio, S., & Raab, M. (2022). Advancing judgment and decision-making research in sport psychology by using the body as an informant in embodied choices. Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-10.
Voigt, L., Hill, Y., & Frenkel, M. O. (2022). Determining Optimal Stress Levels for Cognitive-Motor Performance: StressPerformance Profiles in Virtual Police Scenarios. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Voigt, L., Wadsley, C. G., Frenkel, M. O., & Nieuwenhuys, A. (2022). Response inhibition under emotional and physical stress. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology.
Watson, M., Smith, D., Fenton, J., Pedraza Ramirez, I. A., & Laborde, S. (2022). What is Esports Coaching? A Qualitative Examination of the Experiences of Professional League of Legends Coaches. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
You, M., & Laborde, S. (2022). Single Slow-Paced Breathing Session at Six Cycles per Minute: Investigation of DoseResponse Relationship on Cardiac Vagal Activity. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
You, M., Laborde, S., Vaughan, R., & Salinas, A. (2022). Influence of personality and emotional competences on academic performance: direct and indirect pathways mediated by perceived stress. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 10(1).
Zammit, N., Iskra, M., & Laborde, S. (2022). A systematic review and meta/analysis of the influence of breathing techniques on physical sport performance. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Zammit, N., Iskra, M., & Laborde, S. (2022). Breathing techniques and their effects on physical sport performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. - Poster. in North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) Conference 2022
Zammit, N., Iskra, M., & Laborde, S. (2022). Integrating a Brief Slow-Paced Breathing Exercise to Emotional Intelligence Training. - Poster. in FEPSAC 2022 - Abstract Book: 16th EUROPEAN CONGRESS of SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY ; Sport, exercise and performance psychology: challenges and opportunities in a changing world European Federation of Sport Psychology.
Ackermann, S., Laborde, S., Borges, U., & Mosley, E. (2021). Commentary: Photoplethysmography for Quantitative Assessment of Sympathetic Nerve Activity (SNA) During Cold Stress. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 1-3. [602745].
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Borges, U., Lobinger, B., Javelle, F., Watson, M., Mosley, E., & Laborde, S. (2021). Using slow-paced breathing to foster endurance, well-being, and sleep quality in athletes during the Covid-19 pandemic. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 1-8. [624655].
Borges, U., Pfannenstiel, M., Tsukahara, J., Laborde, S., Klatt, S., & Raab, M. (2021). Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation via tragus or cymba conchae: Are its psychophysiological effects dependent on the stimulation area? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 161, 64-75.
Bröker, L., Ewolds, H., Ferraz de Oliveira, R., Künzell, S., & Raab, M. (2021). The impact of predictability on dual‑task performance and implications for resource‑sharing accounts. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 6, [1].
da Conceição Ferreira Murta, C., Albuquerque, M., Juan Greco, P., Raab, M., & Moreira Praça, G. (2021). Goalkeepers put their money where the coach’s mouth is: Knowing kickers’ preferences enhances anticipation of football goalkeepers. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-16.
Diel, K., Bröker, L., Raab, M., & Hofmann, W. (2021). Motivational and emotional effects of social comparison in sports. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 57, [102048].
Dorsch, T. E., Wright, E., Eckardt, V., Elliott, S., Thrower, S. N., & Knight, C. J. (2021). A history of parent involvement in organized youth sport: A scoping review. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 10(4), 536-557.
Eckardt, V., Dorsch, T., Wilk-Marten, N., & Lobinger, B. (2021). Stressoren von Eltern in deutschen Fußballnachwuchsleistungszentren: Eine Mixed-Method Studie. in O. Höner, S. Wachsmuth, M. L. Reinhard, & F. Schultz (Hrsg.), asp 2021 - Abstractband: Talententwicklung & Coaching im Sport : 53. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp) : Tübingen (online, 13.-15.05.2021) (S. 153). Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Wirtschaftsund Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Sportwissenschaft.
Ewolds, H., Bröker, L., Ferraz de Oliveira, R., Raab, M., & Künzell, S. (2021). Ways to improve multitasking: Effects of predictability after single-and dual-task training. Journal of Cognition, 4(1), 1-16.
Felisatti, A., Fischer, M. H., Kulkova, E., Kühne, K., & Michirev, A. (2021). Separation/connection procedures: From cleansing behavior to numerical cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 44, 22-23. [e5].
Frenkel, M. O., Giessing, L., Egger-Lampl, S., Hutter, V., Oudejans, R. R. D., Kleygrewe, L., Jaspaert, E., & Plessner, H. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on European police officers: Stress, demands, and coping resources. JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 72, [101756].
Frenkel, M. O., Voigt, L., Jaspaert, E., & Staller, M. S. (2021). Mapping demands: How to prepare police officers to cope with pandemic-specific stressors. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin, 21, 11-22.
Furley, P., Schweizer, G., & Laborde, S. (2021). Emotional intelligence and drawing inferences from nonverbal cues in sports. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Giessing, L. (2021). The Potential of Virtual Reality for Police Training Under Stress: A SWOT Analysis. in E. A. Arble, & B. B. Arnetz (Hrsg.), Interventions, Training, and Technologies for Improved Police Well-Being and Performance (S. 102- 124). IGI Global.
Giessing, L., Kannen, J., Strahler, J., & Frenkel, M. O. (2021). Direct and Stress-Buffering Effects of COVID-19-Related Changes in Exercise Activity on the Well-Being of German Sport Students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), [7117].
Giessing, L., Plessner, H., & Frenkel, M. O. (2021). Virtuelles Stress-Training für Polizeikräfte: reale Gefühle in künstlichen Welten. Ruperto Carola, 17, 102-111.
Heins, N., Pomp, J., Kluger, D. S., Vinbrüx, S., Trempler, I., Kohler, A., Kornysheva, K., Zentgraf, K., Raab, M., & Schubotz, R. I. (2021). Surmising synchrony of sound and sight: Factors explaining variance of audiovisual integration in hurdling, tap dancing and drumming. PloS one, 16(7), 1-23. [e0253130].
Hosang, T., & Javelle, F. (2021). Psychophysiological Effects of Slow-Paced Breathing Realized with or without Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback. in ISSP 15th World Congress (International Society of Sport Psychology)
Hosang, T., Laborde, S., Sprengel, M., Löw, A., Baum, N., Hoffmann, S., & Jacobsen, T. (2021). Tasting rewards. Effects of orosensory sweet signals on human error processing. Nutritional Neurosciences.
Iskra, M., Zammit, N., & Laborde, S. (2021). Hyperventilation, and Breath-Holding on Sport Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. in ISSP 15th World Congress (International Society of Sport Psychology)
Iskra, M., Zammit, N., & Laborde, S. (2021). Influence of Fast-Paced Breathing, Hyperventilation, and Breath-Holding on Sport Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. in ISSP 15th World Congress (International Society of Sport Psychology)
Iskra, M., Zammit, N., & Laborde, S. (2021). Influence of Inhalation / Exhalation Ratio and of Respiratory Pauses on Cardiac Vagal Activity. - Poster. in ISSP 15th World Congress (International Society of Sport Psychology)
Javelle, F., Laborde, S., Hosang, T. J., Metcalfe, A. J., & Zimmer, P. (2021). The Importance of Nature Exposure and Physical Activity for Psychological Health and Stress Perception: Evidence From the First Lockdown Period During the Coronavirus Pandemic 2020 in France and Germany. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 1-11. [623946].
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Pedraza Ramirez, I. A., Musculus, L., Raab, M. & Laborde, S. (2020). Seting the scientific stage for esports psychology: a systematic review. International Review of Sport and Excercise Psychology.
Raab, M., Avugos, S., Bar-Eli, M. & MacMahon, C. (2020). The Referess's Challenge: A Threshold Process Model for Decision Making in Sport Games. International Review of Sport and Excercise Psychology.
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Borges, U., Laborde, S., & Raab, M. (2019). Influence of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on cardiac vagal activity: Not different from sham stimulation and no effect of stimulation intensity. PLoSONE 14(10): e0223848.
Elbe, A., Bertollo, M., Debois, N., de Oliveira, R., Fritsch, J., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Raab, M., Sanchez, X., Vaisetaite, L. (2019). Preface to the Special Issue: 50 years of FEPSAC, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 42, 5-7.
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Klatt, S., Musculus, L., Laborde, S., Noel, B., Greco, P., Lopes, M., Memmert, D. & Raab, M. (2019). Creative and intuitive decision-making processes: A comparison of Brazilian and German soccer coaches and players. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 3, 1-15.
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Laborde, S. J. P., Hosang, T., Mosley, E., & Dosseville, F. E. M. (2019). Influence of a 30-day slow paced breathing intervention compared to social media use on subjective sleep quality and cardiac vagal activity. Journal of Clinical Medicine.
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Heisler, S., Kalde, F., Lobinger, B. H., Raab, M., De Brandt, K., Defruyt, S. & Wylleman, P. (2018). Duale Karriere in Europa aus der Sicht von Kooperationspartnern des Spitzensports: Ergebnisse des „B-WISER“ Projekts. in U. Borges, L. Bröker, S. Hoffmann, T. Hosang, S. Laborde, R. Liepelt, B. Lobinger, J. Löffler, L. Musculus & M. Raab (Hrsg.): Abstractband der 50. Jahrestagung der asp: Die Psychophysiologie der Handlung (S. 119-120). Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln.
Heisler, S., Musculus, L., & Lobinger, B. H. (2018). Wie Nachwuchsfußballer Entscheidungen treffen: Zum Zusammenhang von Entscheidungsprozessen und exekutiven Funktionen im Entwicklungsverlauf. in: Instrukion vs. Selbstregulation im Sport: 11. Sportspiel-Symposium der dvs vom 13.-15. September 2018 in Heidelberg
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Werner, K.; Raab, M. (2013): Moving to solution: Effects of Movement Priming on Problem Solving. In: Experimental Psychology, S. 1–7. [PDF]
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Dosseville, F.; Laborde, S.; Scelles, N. (2012): Music during lectures: Will students learn better? In: Learning and Individual Differences, 22 (2), S. 258–262. [PDF]
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Heinen, T; Jeraj, D.; Vinken, P. M. et al. (2012): Land where you look? - Functional relationships between gaze and movement behavior in a backward salto. In: Biology of Sport, 29, S. 177–183. [PDF]
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Heinen, T.; Velentzas, K.; Vinken, P. M. (2012): Analyzing gaze behavior in complex (aerial) skills. In: International Journal of Sport Science and Engineering, 6 (3), S. 165–174.
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Pizzera, A.; Raab, M. (2012): Perceptual judgments of sports officials are influenced by their motor and visual experience. In: Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 24 (1), S. 59–72. [PDF]
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Schlapkohl, N.; Hohmann, T.; Raab, M. (2012): Effects of instructions on performance outcome and movement patterns for novices and experts in table tennis. In: International Journal of Sport Psychology, 43 (6). [PDF]
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Gigerenzer, G.; Hertwig, R.; Pachur, T. (Hg.) (2011): Heuristics: The Foundations of Adaptive Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Heinen, T.; Jeraj, D.; Vinken, P. M.; Knieps, K.; Velentzas, V.; Richter, H. (2011): What it takes to do the double Jaeger on the high bar. In: Science of Gymnastics Journal, 3 (3), S. 7–18. [PDF]
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Heinen, T.; Vinken, P. M. (2011): The effects of directing the learner’s gaze on skill acquisition in gymnastics. In: Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, 10, S. 520–527. [PDF]
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Hohmann, T.; Troje, N. F.; Olmos, A.; Munzert, J. (2011): The influence of motor expertise and motor familiarity on action recognition and actor identification. In: Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23(4), S. 403–415. [PDF]
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Raab, M.; Gula, B.; Gigerenzer G. (2011): The Hot Hand Exists in volleyball and is used for allocation decisions. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 18, S. 81–94. [PDF]
Raab, M.; Laborde, S. (2011): When to blink and when to think: preference for intuitive decisions results in faster and better tactical choices. In: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82 (1), S. 89–98. [PDF]
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Volz, K.; Schooler, L. J.; Schubotz, R. I.; Raab, M.; Gigerenzer G.; von Carmon, D. Y. (2011): Why you think milan is larger than modena: Neural Correlates of the Recognition Heuristic. In: G. Gigerenzer, R. Hertwig und T. Pachur (Hg.): Heuristics: The Foundations of Adaptive Behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 523–529. [PDF]
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de Oliveira, R.; Wann, J. (2010): Integration of dynamic information for viusomotor control in young adults with Developmental Coordination Disorder. In: Experimental Brain Research (205), S. 387–394.
Heinen, T.; Lobinger, B. (2010): Sportpsychologische Betreuung bei einem Spitzentrampolinturner - Tim, 21;0 Jahre. In: T. Ortner und K. Kubinger (Hg.): Psychologische Diagnostik in Einzelfällen. 1. Aufl. Göttingen: Hogrefe, S. 306–316.
Heinen, T.; Pizzera, A.; Cottyn, J. (2010): When is manual guidance effective for the acquisition of complex skills in gymnastics? In: International Journal of Sport Psychology (41), S. 255–276.
Heinen, T.; Raab, M. (2010): Sensomotorische Kontrolle trifft Sportinformatik: Ein Erfahrungsbericht. Festschrift für Jürgen Perl. In: J. Wiemeyer, A. Baca und M. Lames (Hg.): Sportinformatik - gestern, heute, morgen. Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Perl. Hamburg: Feldhaus/Czwalina (198).
Heinen, T.; Vinken, P. M.; Ölsberg, P. (2010): Manual guidance in gymnastics: A case study. In: Science of Gymnastics Journal (2(3)), S. 43–56.
Heinen, T.; Vinken, P.; Velentzas, K. (2010): Does laterality predict twist direction in gymnastics? In: Science of Gymnastics Journal (2), S. 5–14.
Hohmann, T.; Heinen, T.; Raab, M. (2010): Editorial Embodiment. In: Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie (17 (4)), S. 105–108.
Köppen, J.; Raab, M. (2010): Das Hot-Hand-Phänomen im Volleyball. In: Sportwissenschaft und Sportpraxis (160), S. 92–102.
Laborde, S.; Dosseville, F.; Scelles, N. (2010): Trait emotional intelligence and preference for intuition and deliberation: Respective influence on academic performance. In: Personality and Individual Differences (49), S. 784–788.
Lobinger, B.; Hohmann, T.; Nicklisch, A. (2010): Analyse subjektiver und objektiver Auswirkungen von Regeländerungen im Stabhochsprung. In: Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie (17(1)), S. 12–20.
Lobinger, B.; Knobloch, J. (2010): Wie viel Verantwortung tragen Trainerinnen und Trainer für die Ernährung ihrer Sportlerinnen und Sportler? In: Leistungssport (4).
Lobinger, B.; Solomon G. (2010): An interpretive assessment of athlete's perceptions: The influence of rule changes on the psychological demands of pole vaulting. In: Athletic Insight Journal (2(1)), S. 71–87.
Munzert, J.; Hohmann, T.; Hossner, E.J (2010): Discriminating Throwing Distances From Point-Light Displays With Masked Ball Flight. In: European Journal of Cognitive Psychology (22(2)), S. 247–264.
Schlapkohl, N.; Hohmann, T.; Arnold, A.; Philippen, P.; Raab, M. (2010): Der Einfluss von aufmerksamkeitslenkenden Instruktionen auf das Erlernen einer Schlagbewegung im Golf. In: Sportwissenschaft (40(2)), S. 103–109.
Schlapkohl, N.; Hohmann, T.; Raab, M. (2010): Instruktionen im Leistungssport. Leistungssportler im Tischtennis verbessern ihre Leistung durch regelbasierte Instruktionen besser als durch Analogie-Instruktionen. In: Leistungssport (1), S. 31–34.
Sevdalis, V., & Keller, P. E. (2010). Cues for self-recognition in point-light displays of actions performed in synchrony with music. Consciousness and Cognition, 19, 617-626.
Shiffrar, M.; Heinen; T. (2010): Die Fähigkeiten von Athleten verändern deren Wahrnehmung von Handlungen. "Embodiment" der visuellen Wahrnehmung von menschlichen Bewegungen. In: Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie (17(4)), S. 130–142.
Velentzas; K.; Heinen; T.; Tenenbaum; G.; Schack, T. (2010): Functional Mental Representation of Volleyball Routines in German Youth Female National Players. In: Journal of Applied Sport Psychology (22(4)), S. 474–485.
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Zastrow, H.; Schlapkohl, N.; Raab, M. (2010): Effektivitätsprüfung eines Messplatztrainings. In: Leistungssport (40(5)), S. 50–54.
Araújo, D.; Ripoll, H.; Raab, M. (Hg.) (2009): Perspectives on Cognition and Action in Sport. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Bakker, F. C.; Philippen P. (2009): Sportpsychologie in den Niederlanden. In: Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie (16 (3)), S. 104–110.
Bar-Eli, M.; Raab, M. (2009): Judgment and Decision Making in Sport and Exercise: A Concise History and Present and Future Perspectives. In: D. Araújo, H. Ripoll und M. Raab (Hg.): Perspectives on Cognition and Action in Sport. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc, S. 149–156.
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de Oliveira, R. F.; Damisch, L.; Hossner, E.-J; Oudejans, R.R.D; Raab, M.; Volz, K.; Williams, A.M (2009): The bidirectional links between decision making, perception, and action. In: Progress in Brain Research (174), S. 85–93.
de Oliveira, R.F; Oudejans, R.R.D; Beek, P.J (2009): Experts Appear to Use Angle of Elevation Information. In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (35 (3)), S. 750–761.
Gärtner, K.; Raab, M.; Lobinger, B.; Zastrow, H. (2009): Entwicklung eines diagnostischen Verfahrens zur Analyse und Bewertung taktischer Kompetenzen im Handball. In: G. Neumann (Hg.): Talentdiagnostik und Talentprognose im Nachwuchsleistungssport. 2. BISp-Symposium: Theorie trifft Praxis. 1. Aufl. Köln: Sportverlag Strauß, S. 117–119.
Gula, B.; Köppen, J. (2009): Einfluss von Länge und Perfektion einer „Hot-Hand“ Sequenz auf Zuspielentscheidungen im Volleyball. In: Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie (16 (2)), S. 65–70.
Heinen, T.; Raab, M.; Lobinger, B. (2009): Sportspielforschung - Was war, ist und sein könnte. In: H.-F Voigt und G. Jendrusch (Hg.): Sportspielforschung und -ausbildung in Bochum. Was war, was ist und was sein könnte. Hamburg: Feldhaus/Czwalina, S. 17–29.
Holzweg, M.; Schlapkohl, N.; Raab, M. (2009): Perspektiven für Mädchenfußball im Schulsport. In: U. Frick (Hg.): Fußball in Schule und Verein - Eine Herausforderung für Forschung und Lehre. Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fußball vom 17.-19. November 2005 in Frankfurt am Main. Hamburg: Feldhaus/Czwalina, S. 115–120.
Johnson, G.J; Raab, M.; Heekeren, H.R (2009): Mind and Motion: Surveying successes and stumbles in lookin ahead. In: Progress in Brain Research (174), S. 319–328.
Köppen, J.; Raab, M. (2009): Knowledge of Athletes as Cues for Simple Choices, pp. 109-117. In: D. Araújo, H. Ripoll und M. Raab (Hg.): Perspectives on Cognition and Action in Sport. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc, S. 109–117.
Lobinger, B.; Raab, M.; Gärtner, K.; Zastrow, H. (2009): Konzepte langfristiger Talentdiagnostik und -förderung in Handball und Fußball. In: G. Neumann (Hg.): Talentdiagnostik und Talentprognose im Nachwuchsleistungssport. 2. BISp-Symposium: Theorie trifft Praxis. 1. Aufl. Köln: Sportverlag Strauß, S. 114–116.
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Raab, M.; de Oliveira, R. F.; Heinen, T. (2009): How do people perceive and generate options? In: Progress in Brain Research (174), S. 49–59.
Raab, M.; Lobinger, B.; Gärtner, K.; Zastrow, H. (2009): Sportpsychologische Talentdiagnostik: Ein sportartspezifischer und kognitionspsychologischer Ansatz. In: G. Neumann (Hg.): Talentdiagnostik und Talentprognose im Nachwuchsleistungssport. 2. BISp-Symposium: Theorie trifft Praxis. 1. Aufl. Köln: Sportverlag Strauß, S. 111–113.
Raab, M.; Masters, R.S.W (2009): Discovery learning in sports. In: International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (7(4)), S. 413–430.
Raab, M.; Zastrow, H.; Häger, J. (2009): Entwicklung eines Messplatztrainings für taktische Kompetenzen im Handball. In: E. Hillenbach (Hg.): BISp-Jahrbuch. Forschungsförderung 2008/09. Köln: Sportverlag Strauß, S. 201–204.
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Sevdalis, V., & Keller, P. E. (2009). Self-recognition in the perception of actions performed in synchrony with music. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169, 499-502.
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