Science Slam World Cup
We had a great time during the Science Slam World Cup 2018! Many thanks to all participants and spectators!! Get some insights into a unique form of science communication and a whole week of networking, science and humour with our aftermovie.
All presentations were filmed and distributed live via the Science Slam World Cup website. Take a look again!
- Stored live stream of tuesday, 20th Nov. 2018
- Stored live stream of wednesday, 21st Nov. 2018
- Stored live stream of thursday, 22nd Nov. 2018
- Stored live stream of the FINAL, saturday, 24th Nov. 2018
- Article about the results of the FINAL
Science Slam Round 2 ©Marvin Ruppert Fotografie

International Research Marketing Competition
The German Sport University Cologne will host the Science Slam World Cup 2018 in coming November. The concept was selected for funding as part of the German Research Foundation (DFG) ideas competition. Read more

in cooperation with

You can find the Science Slam World Cup 2018 also on Facebook.