12th International Session for Educators of Higher Institutes of Physical Education

From 25 May – 1 June, 2017, the Olympic Studies Centre’s Rory Flindall participated in the 12th International Session for Educators of Higher Institutes of Physical Education at the International Olympic Academy, Greece. Under the topic of “Olympism and Governance”, the Session brought together delegates from across the globe to discuss matters pertaining to good governance, the role of Olympism within the Olympic Movement today, and contradictions present between corruption and implementing Olympism and the Olympic Values. Commencing the Session, Michael Fysentzidis, President of the International Olympic Academy, addressed the congress and opened the floor to WADA President Sir Craig Reedie to deliver a speech on “Zero tolerance on doping in Sport: What we have learned from the fight against doping”. Over the next days, the Session heard from numerous experts from within the field, participated within a workshop organized by the IOC on the Olympic Values Education Programme, conducted group work on possible initiatives to promote good governance, and witnessed participant presentations. Contributing to Session, Rory Flindall delivered a presentation on the findings of his master’s thesis “More than a Festival: Analysing Opinion-Forming Sports Journalists’ Perceptions of Olympism and the Olympic Movement”.