Annett Chojnacki - ESport as an Olympic Sport?

Annett Chojnacki - ESport as an Olympic Sport?

Annett Chojnacki-Bennemann, an expert in sports law and head of the central office of the German Disabled Sports Association, was invited by the Institute of Sport History to deliver a guest lecture during the course of the degree programme M.A. Olympic Studies. The lecture was held on 12th March within the 5th on-site module ‘International Relations and the Olympic Movement’ of the M.A. Olympic Studies’ 6th intake conducted at the German Sport University Cologne from 9th to 14th March 2020. 

Presenting on the topic of ESport as an Olympic sport, Ms. Chojnacki-Bennemann brought the students up-to-date on the current discussion about the opportunities and risks associated with integrating ESport into the Olympic Movement. The students’ learning experience was then deepened through the conduction of a tour of the ESportLab at the Institute for Exercise Therapy and Exercise-Oriented Prevention and Rehabilitation. Therein, the group had the opportunity to discuss the topic further with the head of the institute, Prof. Ingo Froböse, employees of the ESportLab and Annett Chojnacki-Bennemann.