Olympic Education Workshop in South Africa

From 27 to 29 May 2015 an “Olympic Education Workshop” took place in Johannesburg within the framework of the cooperation between the Olympic Studies Centre (OSC) of the German Sport University Cologne and the University of Johannesburg.

The workshop, which was the first initiative of the two cooperation partners, was attended by representatives of thirteen South African universities, the Government Department of Sports and Recreation South Africa, numerous African NGOs and the National Olympic Committees of Namibia and Swaziland.

Following a brief historical review on the origins of the modern Olympic Movement, Jörg Krieger and Caroline Meier of the OSC Cologne discussed the educational intentions of the Olympic Idea with the participants. Whilst contemporary challenges and chances on the international level were debated, a valuable exchange on the current state of implementation and areas of application within the African context took place. The discussions showed the relevance of Olympic Education for the African continent but it was also highlighted that one has to show consideration for national and local circumstances in the implementation process. Based on a coherent understanding of Olympic Education, this is were involved stakeholders are needed to create adapted concepts for their respective target groups.

In consequence of encouraging results of the Workshop, further periodical meetings are planned to coordinate an increased implementation of Olympic Education initiatives in South Africa. It is intended that the University of Johannesburg will take over a leading role in this process with the support of the OSC Cologne.