Robert Rein

Dr. Robert Rein

IG II , Raum 112

Institut für Trainingswissenschaft und Sportinformatik

E-Mail r.rein@­dshs-koeln.de
Telefon +49 221 4982-6069


Seit 2015 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Kognitions- und Sportspielforschung (seit 2017 Institut für Trainingswissenschaft und Sportinformatik) der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln. Vorher wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Bewegungstherapie der DSHS. 2008-2009 PostDoc Fyssen-Stiftung (Paris) an der EHESS, Paris. 2007-2008 PostDoc im EU Projekt „Hand to Mouth: a framework for understanding the archaeological and fossil records of human cognitive evolution“ an der EHESS. 2003-2007 PhD-Dissertation „Coordination of a discrete multi-articular action from a dynamical systems perspective“ an der School of Physical Education, University of Otago (Neuseeland). 2003 Magister Artium. Studium der Sportwissenschaften, Sportmedizin und Physik an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität zu Frankfurt. 



  • Dynamische Systemtheorien
  • Motorischer Fertigkeitserwerb und motorisches Lernen
  • Neurowissenschaftliche und kognitive Grundlagen von Objektgebrauch (Werkzeuggebrauch)
  • Forschungsmethoden insbesondere Mustererkennung, machine learning und statistische Methoden
  • Fertigkeitserwerb und menschliche Evolution 




Rein, R., Raabe, D., & Memmert, D. (2017). “Which pass is better?” Novel approaches to assess passing effectiveness in elite soccer. Human Movement Science, 55, 172-181. 

Holle, H & Rein, R. (Epub ahead of print), EasyDIAg: A Tool for Easy Determination of Interrater Agreement, Behavior Research Methods

Rein, R, Nonaka, T, & Bril, B. (2014), Movement pattern variability in stone knapping: Implications for the development of percussive traditions, PlosOne, 9(11):e113567

Beurskens, R, Helmich, I, Rein, R, & Bock O. (2014), Age related changes in prefrontal activity during walking in dual-task situations: a fNIRS study, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 92(3):122-128

Chow, JY, Koh, M, Davids, K, Button, C, & Rein, R. (2014), Effects of different instructional constraints on performance outcomes and coordination, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine in Sport, 14(3): 224-232

Helmich, I, Rein, R, Niermann, N, & Lausberg, H., (2013), Hemispheric differences of motor execution: A near-infrared spectroscopy study, Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXV, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 789: 59-64

Rein, R, Bril, B, & Nonaka T. (2013), Coordination strategies used in stone knapping, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150(4):539-50

Rein, R (2012), Measurement methods to analyze changes in coordination during motor learning from a non-linear perspective, Open Sports Science Journal, 5:36-48

Bril, B, Smaers, J, Steele, J, Rein, R, Nonaka T, Dietrich, G, Biryukova, E, Hirata, S, Roux, V. (2012), Functional mastery of percussive technology in nut-cracking and stone-flaking actions: experimental comparison and implications for the evolution of the human brain, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: B Biological Sciences, 367(1585):59-74.

Nonaka, T, Bril, B, & Rein, R. (2010), How do stone knappers predict and control the outcome of flaking? Implications for understanding early stone tool technology, Journal of Human Evolution, 59(2):155-167

Bril, B, Rein, R, Nonaka, T, Dietrich, G, & Wenban-Smith, F. (2010), The role of expertise in stone knapping: Skill differences in functional action adaptation to task constraints, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(4): 825-839

Rein, R, Davids, K, & Button, C. (2010), Adaptive and phase transition behavior in performance of discrete multi-articular actions by degenerate neurobiological systems, Experimental Brain Research, 201(2), 307-322.

Rein, R, Button, C, Davids K, & Summers, J. (2010), Cluster analysis of movement patterns in multiarticular action:  A tutorial, Motor control, 14(2): 211-239.

Chow, JY, Davids, K, Button, C, Rein, R, Hristovski, R, & Koh, M. (2009), Dynamics of multi-articular coordination in neurobiological systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, Volume 13(1): 27-55

Chow, JY, Davids, K, Button, C, & Rein, R. (2008), Dynamics of movement patterning in learning a discrete multiarticular action, Motor Control, 12(3): 219-240 


Helmich, I, Holle, H, Rein, R, & Lausberg, H. (submitted), Neural correlates of tool use related gesture production: a functional NIRS study, International Journal of Psychophysiology 


Rein, R., Raabe, D., Perl, J., & Memmert, D. (2016). Evaluation of changes in space control due to passing behavior in elite soccer using Voronoi-cells. in P. Chung, A. Soltoggio, C. Dawson, Q. Meng, & M. Pain (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sports (ISCSS). (Band 392, S. 179-183). (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing). Springer International Publishing. 10.1007/978-3-319-24560-7_23

Holle, H, & Rein, R. (2013)., The modified Cohen’s kappa: Calculating interrater agreement for segmentation and annotation, in Understanding body movement: a guide to empirical research on nonverbal behavior: with an introduction to the NEUROGES coding system, Lausberg, H (ed), Frankfurt (Main), Peter Lang GmbH, 261-275

Rein, R. (2013), Using 3d kinematics of hand segments for segmentation of gestures: A pilot study, in Understanding body movement: a guide to empirical research on nonverbal behavior: with an introduction to the NEUROGES coding system, Lausberg, H (ed), Frankfurt (Main), Peter Lang GmbH, 163-187

Button, C, Chow, JY, & Rein, R. (2008), Exploring the perceptual-motor workspace:  New approaches to skill acquisition and training, In Hong, Youlian and Bartlett, Roger (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Biomechanics and Human Movement Science, Routledge.