Skating-Sammlung A-Z von H. A. Landry
Skating-Sammlung A
Skating-Sammlung A
A 1940. 97/3600
Adams, Douglas : Skating - 97/3500
Adams, Douglas : Skating - 97/3501
Adams, Douglas : Skating - 97/3502
Alroy : Practical handbook on figure skating with hints to beginners - 97/3503
Andersen, Emmy : Le patinage pour tous - 97/3504
Anderson, George : The art of skating - 97/3505
Skating-Sammlung B
Skating-Sammlung B
- BROWN, NIGEL: Ice-skating - 97/3528
- BROWN, NIGEL: Ice-skating - 97/3529
- Bailey, Alice Cooper: The skating gander - 97/3509
- Barney & Berry <Springfield, Mass.>: [Book catalogue] - 97/3510
- Bass, Howard: Let's go skating - 97/3511
- Bass, Howard: This skating age - 97/3512
- Bass, Howard: Winter sports - 97/3513
- Benson, Edward F.: English figure skating - 97/3514
- Benson, Edward F.: Winter sports in Switzerland - 97/3515
- Berliner Eislauf-Verein 1886: Eissport - 97/3566
- Biberhofer, Franz:Wiener Eislauf-Verein - 97/3516
- Billings, Josh: Josh Billings on ice - 97/3671
- Bird, Dennis L.:National Skating Association of Great Britain - 97/3517
- Bjørnsen, Knut: Fred A. Maier - 97/3518
- Bloom, Alan: The skaters of the fens - 97/3520
- Boase, Edward R.: How to curl - 97/3521
- Boeckl, Wilhelm Richard: Willy Boeckl on figure skating - 97/3522
- Bolstad, Helen Cambria: Golden skates - 97/3523
- Brink, Harro ten: Der schnell perfecte und elegante Schlittschuhläufer, unentbehrliches Hülfsbüchlein für Freunde und Freundinnen des Eislaufs - 97/3524
- Brokaw, Irving: The art of skating - 97/3525
- Brokaw, Irving: The art of skating - 97/3526
- Brokaw, Irving: The art of skating - 97/3527
- Browne, George H.: A handbook of figure skating - 97/3530
- Browne, George H. [Übers.]: The international style of figure skating - 97/3531
- Burchell, H. P. [Hrsg.]: Spalding's roller skating guide - 97/3532
- Burchell, H. P. [Hrsg.]: Spalding's roller skating guide - 97/3533
- Buttingha Wichers, Johan van: Schaatsenrijden - 97/3708
- Button, Dick: Dick Button on skates - 97/3534
Skating-Sammlung C
Skating-Sammlung C
- CALISTUS, FRANZ: Die Kunst des Schlittschuhlaufens - 97/3535
- Cambridge Skating Club: Cambridge Skating Club - 97/3536
- Chadwick, Henry: Beadle's dime guide to skating and curling - 97/3537
- Chadwick, Henry: Handbook of winter sports - 97/3538
- Cobb, Humphrey H.: Figure skating in the English style - 97/3539
- Cock-Clausen, Per: Skøjteløb - 97/3540
- Conell, W. J.: Southport - 97/3542
- Cope, Horace: Sketches on the ice or the skating mania - 97/3543
- Crawley, A. E.: Skating - 97/3545
- Crawley, A. E.: Skating - 97/3546
- Crosley, W.: Skating cards, for teaching the art of skating in a practical manner, whilst actually on the ice - 97/3548
- Cruikshank, James A.: Figure skating for women - 97/3549
- Cruikshank, James A.: Figure skating for women - 97/3550
- Cummings, Diane: Figure skating as a hobby - 97/3551
- Curry, Manfred: The beauty of skating - 97/3552
Skating-Sammlung D
Skating-Sammlung D
- Dench, Robert: Pair skating and dancing on ice - 97/3555
- Diamantidi, Demeter: Spuren auf dem Eise - 97/3556
- Diamantidi, Demeter: Spuren auf dem Eise - 97/3557
- Diamantidi, Demeter: Tafeln zum Kunstlaufen - 97/3558
- Digby, James Drake: Skating and curling - 97/3560
- Dodge, Mary Mapes: Hans Brinker or the silver skates - 97/3561
- Dowler, Francis Edward: Skates - 97/3639
- DuBief, Jacqueline: Thin ice - 97/3562
- DuBief, Raymonde: Le patinage - 97/3563
- Duff-Taylor, Squire: Skating - 97/3564
- Duff-Taylor, Squire: Skating - 97/3689
Skating-Sammlung E
Skating Sammlung F
Skating Sammlung F
- Fisher, Thomas Knight: Ice hockey - 97/3569
- Flood, Richard T.: Pass that puck! - 97/3571
- Forbes, Graham B.: The boys of Columbia High on the ice or Out for the hockey championship - 97/3572
- Foster, Fred W.: A Bibliography of skating - 97/3573
- Fowler, G. Herbert: On the outside edge - 97/3576
- Foxe, Arthur N.: Skating for everyone - 97/3574
- Foxe, Arthur N.: Skating for everyone - 97/3575
- Fuchs, Gilbert: Eiskunstlauf in Theorie und Praxis - 97/3577
- Fuller, Roger H.: Skating - 97/3578
Skating Sammlung G
Skating Sammlung H
Skating Sammlung H
- Harwood, J. A.: Rinks and rollers - 97/3581
- Heathcote, J. M.: Skating - 97/3583
- Heathcote, J. M.:National Skating Association of Great Britain - 97/3582
- Hedges, Sid. G.: Ice and roller skating - 97/3584
- Hedges, Sid. G.: Ice-rink skating - 97/3585
- Helfrich, George: Der Eiskunstlauf in kunsthistorischer Darstellung = Katanie na kon'kach'' v'' starinnych'' kartinach'' - 97/3586
- Helfrich, George: Eislaufschule - 97/3587
- Helfrich, George: Le patinage sur glace - 97/3588
- Hendrickson, John C.: The international figure skating glossary - 97/3589
- Henie, Sonja: Mitt livs eventyr - 97/3590
- Henie, Sonja: Wings on my feet - 97/3591
- Henie, Sonja: Wings on my feet - 97/3592
- Herzog, Hans: Eisbahnen - 97/3593
- Hewitt, Foster: Hello, Canada and hockey fans in the United States - 97/3594
- Hints to rinkers and rinking reform. - 97/3705
- Holletschek, Robert: Kunstfertigkeit im Eislaufen - 97/3595
- Holletschek, Robert: Kunstfertigkeit im Eislaufen - 97/3596
- Holletschek, Robert [Bearb.]: W. Swateks Schlittschuhlauffiguren - 97/3597
- How to swim, and how to skate. - 97/3519
Skating Sammlung I
Skating Sammlung I
- Ice Skates. - New York: Union Hardware Co., . - 97/3693
- Ice Skating Institute of America: Recreational ice skater test guide - 97/3647
- Ice dances: being articles reprinted from back numbers of ''Skating'' and new dances obtained from various sources. - 97/3598
- Ice skating and dancing: how to begin, how to figure skate, how to waltz and ten-step, how to perfect your style - 97/3673
- Idyls of the rink / ed. by the author of ''Epigrams and epitaphs on the general election''. - 97/3508
- International Skating Union: 75 years of European and World's Championships in Figure Skating - 97/3670
- International Skating Union of America: International skaters handbook on ice and roller skating - 97/3601
Skating Sammlung J
Skating Sammlung J
- Jelinek, Henry: On thin ice - 97/3602
- Jeremiah, Eddie: Ice hockey - 97/3603
- Jessup, Elon: Snow and ice sports - 97/3604
- Jomland, Einar:Ice Skating Institute of America - 97/3605
- Jones, Ernest: The elements of figure skating - 97/3606
- Jones, Ernest: The elements of figure skating - 97/3607
- Jones, Robert: The art of skating - 97/3608
Skating Sammlung K
Skating Sammlung L
Skating Sammlung L
- Law, Ernest: Dancing on ice - 97/3613
- Les patins: po'eme en quatre chants. - 97/3506
- Les patins et l'art de patiner. - 97/3649
- Lewis, Frederic: Modern skating - 97/3614
- Liebers, Arthur: Complete book of winter sports - 97/3615
- Loop - 97/3570
- Lunn, Arnold: Winter sports - 97/3711
- Lussi, Gustave: Championship figure skating - 97/3616
Skating Sammlung M
Skating Sammlung M
- Maegerlein, Heinz: Triumpf auf dem Eis - 97/3617
- Mahovlich, Frank: Ice hockey - 97/3618
- Marshall, W. C.: The figure-skater's pocket-book - 97/3619
- Meagher, George A.: A guide to artistic skating - 97/3620
- Meagher, George A.: Figure and fancy skating - 97/3621
- Meagher, George A.: Lessons in skating - 97/3622
- Meistrup, Eva: Jeg løber på skøjter - 97/3623
- Merriam, Robert L.: The ancient art of skating - 97/3624
- Meyer, Bror: Skating with Bror Meyer - 97/3625
- Moe, Per Ivar: Ung på isen - 97/3626
- Monier-Williams, Montagu S. F.: Combined figure skating - 97/3627
- Monier-Williams, Montagu S. F.: Figure-skating - 97/3628
- Moore, Cay: She skated into our hearts - 97/3629
- Mulier, W.: Wintersport - 97/3630
Skating Sammlung N
Skating Sammlung N
- National Dance Committee <United States>: Competitive ice dances and dance tests - 97/3541
- National Skating Association of Great Britain: Ice dances - 97/3599
- National Skating Association of Great Britain: Rules of the National Skating Association of Great Britain. - 97/3631
- National Skating Association of Great Britain: Rules, regulations, and bye - 97/3632
- Newton, Alfred Vincent: Skates - 97/3640
- Nicholson, Howard: Nicholson on figure skating - 97/3633
- Noel, John: Figure Skating for Beginners - 97/3634
Skating Sammlung O
Skating Sammlung O
Skating Sammlung P
Skating Sammlung P
- PERCIVAL, LLOYD: The hockey handbook - 97/3642
- Pardon, George F. [Hrsg.]: Swimming, skating, rinking, and sleighing - 97/3547
- Parker, Robert: Carol Heiss - 97/3637
- Porter, Mark: Slashing blades - 97/3643
- Putnam, Harold: Skating - 97/3644
- Putnam, Harold [Hrsg.]: The Dartmouth book of winter sports - 97/3553
- Pycroft, James: On roller skating - 97/3507
Skating Sammlung R
Skating Sammlung R
- Radspinner, William Ambrose: Skating and skate dancing - 97/3645
- Readhead, Monty: Ice dancing - 97/3646
- Renick, M. R.: Skating today - 97/3648
- Richardson, T. D.: Ice rink skating - 97/3650
- Richardson, T. D.: Ice rink skating - 97/3651
- Richardson, T. D.: Ice skating - 97/3652
- Richardson, T. D.: Ice skating - 97/3653
- Richardson, T. D.: Modern figure skating - 97/3654
- Richardson, T. D.: Modern figure skating - 97/3655
- Richardson, T. D.: Skating with T. D. Richardson. - 97/3656
- Richardson, T. D.: The art of figure skating - 97/3657
- Richardson, T. D.: The complete figure skater - 97/3658
- Richardson, T. D.: The girls' book of skating - 97/3659
- Richardson, T. D.: Your book of skating - 97/3660
- Robertson, Heaton R.: What judges are looking for - 97/3661
- Roller Skating Rink Operators Association of America: Roller skate dancing - 97/3662
- Rubenstein, Louis: Skating as in Canada - 97/3663
Skating Sammlung S
Skating Sammlung S
- Salvesen, Charles E.: The foundation of skating - 97/3664
- Sayles, Alexander: Ice hockey - 97/3665
- Schneider, Max: Katechismus des Wintersports - 97/3667
- Scott, Barbara Ann: Skate with me - 97/3668
- Scott, Barbara Ann: Skating for beginners - 97/3669
- Sherman, Harold M.: Down the ice - 97/3672
- Skating: practical lessons for plain and fancy skating. - 97/3554
- Sketchley, Arthur: Mrs. Brown on the skating rink - 97/3675
- Smith, A. F.: Spalding's manual of roller skating - 97/3676
- Sordet, Eugène: Manuel du patineur - 97/3677
- Stein, Freimut: Eiskunstlaufen - 97/3681
- Stein, Freimut: Eislauf-ABC - 97/3678
- Stein, Freimut: Eistanzen - 97/3679
- Stein, Freimut: Rollschuh-Kunstlaufen - 97/3682
- Stokes, H. G.: Winter sports simplified - 97/3683
- Swift, Frank: The skaters text book - 97/3684
- Swift, Frank: The skaters text book - 97/3685
- Syers, E.: The art of skating - 97/3686
- Syers, Edgar Wood: The poetry of skating - 97/3687
- Syers, Edgar Wood: The poetry of skating - 97/3688
Skating Sammlung T
Skating Sammlung T
Skating Sammlung U
Skating Sammlung V
Skating Sammlung V
- VanDerWeyden, Erik: Dancing on ice - 97/3699
- Vandervell, H. E.: A system of figure-skating - 97/3696
- Vandervell, H. E.: A system of figure-skating - 97/3697
- Vandervell, H. E.: A system of figure-skating - 97/3698
- Vandervell, H. E.: The figure skate - 97/3695
- Veth, Cornelis: Sport en spel in de kunst - 97/3700
- Vieregg, Artur: Der Eisläufer - 97/3701
- Vinson, Maribel Y.: Maribel Y. Vinson's advanced figure skating - 97/3702
- Vinson, Maribel Y.: Maribel Y. Vinson's primer of figure skating. - 97/3703
- VonGassner, Eugene Paul: Figure and dance skating - 97/3704
Skating Sammlung W
Skating Sammlung W
- Wander, Adolf [Hrsg.]: Handbuch des Wintersports - 97/3706
- Wholesale price list, season 1883-84: Samuel Winslow, manufacturer of skates & straps, double clamp club skates, and Patent Vineyard Roller Skates. - 97/3707
- Winklhofer, Ludwig: Eisschnellauf - 97/3709
- Winslow's ice skates. - Worcester, Mass.: Winslow, 1903. 97/3710
- Witham, T. Maxwell: A system of figure-skating - 97/3712
- Witham, T. Maxwell: A system of figure-skating - 97/3713
- Wm. M. Cornwall's illustrated catalogue of ice skates, skate straps, etc.. - 97/3544
- Wood, George: Combined figure skating - 97/3714
- Wood, J. G.: Skating and sliding - 97/3715