M.Sc. Sport Management

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The M.Sc. Sport Management places a strong emphasis on research and adopts a global perspective. By enrolling in this programme, students gain an in-depth understanding of the latest research issues in the field and develop a robust foundation for making well-informed decisions in international sports management.

What sets our Master’s degree programme apart from other European graduate programmes is our distinct focus on the research issues that emerge at the intersection of sport and management. This approach guarantees that our students acquire the necessary skills to succeed in the knowledge-intensive sports industry and are well-equipped for a doctoral programme if they wish to pursue a Ph.D.

Our Master’s degree programme has been designed to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving job market in the sport business. Our programme aims to educate and equip highly motivated and capable professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the three main sports business sectors:

  1. management of and in sport organisations,
  2. consultancy, and
  3. academic and commercial research.

As a result, our graduates are presented with a wide range of opportunities to showcase and apply their leadership skills and capabilities in various sports organisations.

Digital Master Info Day

Digital Master Info Day

more information (GERMAN)


4 semesters

120 Credit Points

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Commencement of studies
Winter semester

Application Deadline
31st of May (Non-EU)
15th of July  (GER & EU)

Study places
30 places

Language of instruction

Semester fee (approx. € 305)

Programme flyer

General questions about the program